The online racing simulator
Is there a fix out yet for the nVidia cards? [old thread - before patch Z]
All you 8800GTS users will be aware that LFS looks very very poor indeed on these cards due to some kind of bug that doesn't allow you to change settings like anti-alias, anisotropic etc...

Anyone know of a fix yet?

Big Deal I play with Nvidia Mx440 8x64mb and i have good graphic
Quote from horrgakx :All you 8800GTS users will be aware that LFS looks very very poor indeed on these cards due to some kind of bug that doesn't allow you to change settings like anti-alias, anisotropic etc...

Anyone know of a fix yet?


I've heard that some 169.** drivers can't force AA or AF. Try upgrading to the latest 171.** beta drivers.
Quote from moskvich3v1 :Big Deal I play with Nvidia Mx440 8x64mb and i have good graphic

Cool. Anyone else want to piss all over this thread and post stuff that works?

Quote from hrtburnout :171.

Thanks - are they on a secret part of the site?
#5 - samjh
Thanks - I will go & get that now.
It seems that the latest Beta drivers are 169.44 (6th March 2008) and not a 171.x series. Will try 169.44.
#8 - Tappi
I don't know if these work with 8k cards but I always work with the recomended Nvidia Gelato drivers 91.36 found here:
(It says Quadro drivers but will work with any GeForce)

I work a lot with 3d apps were these drivers seem to be at least more stable/compatible than these i-wannabe-the-3dmark-king- over-optimized gaming crap drivers they release every few months. LFS runs super smooth even with 4xAA and 16xAF on my 7800gtx.
Does anybody know if this effects 8800 GT cards?
It effects all cards.

All drivers from 169.21 - 169.xx have broken AA settings.

Upgrade to 171.xx or 174.xx

Nvidia don't put all their driver releases on their official site

Lots of drivers are avaliable here

I'm using 174.20 and the AA bug is fixed.
I tested mine after I posted and I could adjust the AA from the nvidia panel with my 8800 on the current 169 drivers. I am talking about XP BTW.
Quote from jbirdaspec :I tested mine after I posted and I could adjust the AA from the nvidia panel with my 8800 on the current 169 drivers. I am talking about XP BTW.

Global settings work, but per game profiles dont.
Quote from geeman1 :Global settings work, but per game profiles dont.

hhmm. I set mine as a game profile in nvidia control panel under Live for speed, not global. Is this the new 8800gts/gt chip or the older 8800gts chip?
#16 - cfus
just ordered a new PC with 1024MB GEFORCE 8800GT!

gutted. thought it would make LFS look and perform at its peak.
I have heard of this problem but never have had it myself.... have used every single driver thats come out and the best ones i have found is 169.44, They might not give the highest fps but they have the best average fps in most of my benchmarks.
#18 - Mc21
My 8800GTS 512 forces 8xaa and 16xaf and it works fine, haven't used ingame AA/AF yet.
Quote from cfus :bollocks!
just ordered a new PC with 1024MB GEFORCE 8800GT!

gutted. thought it would make LFS look and perform at its peak.

1 - It might not effect you.
2 - Nvidia could fix the problem.
3 - The test patches have in game AA/AF and other stuff mean you don't need to use the control panel to get LFS looking better.

My 7950GX2 is having this problem with the newer drivers (which I'm using now) the 169 beta's worked fine but now with the test patch I have it looking just as good as I did when I was using the control panel.
Quote from gezmoor :Those drivers only support 9xxx cards.

Has anyone actually tried them on any other cards?

Yes they work fine.

1 - download the gfx drivers
2 - extract them into a new folder
3 - grab the file i uploaded
4 - replace that ^^^^ with the one in the new folder and it should run on all 6/7/8 cards.
Attached files
nv4_disp.rar - 5.7 KB - 203 views
Quote from rc10racer :..

I'm just giving the 174.53-XP(32bit) drivers a go with that file you've uploaded. They are working on my 7950GX2.
174.16 drviers dont allow af and AA for me - yet 169.32 does.... go figure....
Quote from jbirdaspec :I tested mine after I posted and I could adjust the AA from the nvidia panel with my 8800 on the current 169 drivers. I am talking about XP BTW.

You guys just don't understand do you. What 169 driver was it. AS I SAID: drivers AFTER 169.21 are broken. Therefore 169.01/169.02/169.04/169.09 ALL WORK FINE.

and cfus: There is no problem with the 8800GT or any nvidia cards. All you have to do is install the latest beta drivers. Download them from
Quote from Widdowmaker :174.16 drviers dont allow af and AA for me - yet 169.32 does.... go figure....

More details please. Where did you force AA and AF from. Global profiles or specific profiles? This is most likely user error.