Thought i would bring this topic back as i found an app for my ipod which has me over the moon XD
After getting over the fact that my ipod only had 29GB instead of 32GB :/ And the fact i bought the wrong case so now its littered with scratches,
and the fact ive already filled it,
I started having fun buying apps XD.
First of all it started with a little guitar programme, then it started growing, now ive got about 30 apps on my ipod.
But last night i found the most immense one XD
Its called Mocha VNC Lite
It lets me control my computer from my ipod XD
I can now leave my computer on while i go to town and whenever i find a wifi hotspot i can check how my downloads are going from my ipod. Or just do anything else i want to do.
Soon im going to be getting another app for my ipod that will let me turn it on from sleep

So when i go off on holiday for a week or two i can jsut leave my computer on sleep and turn it on whenever im needing to use it.
This makes the ipod touch truly AWESOME!
It does pawn everything else out there