The online racing simulator
my server wont show up on the hosts list?
can any1 check my setup file please?

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Lfs Dedi Server.rar - 1.2 MB - 186 views
Are you looking for it in S2? Only the config file is set to demo.
nah i am trying to host a demo server for some of my friends so they are try the online feature of this game =D
On first look, your Server Name appears like it may be too long, for arguement's sake, try something shorter.

Where is the server running? As in is if from your own pc or is it hired from a company - If its from a company, contact them, they should support your query. If its from your own computer, you need to make sure the port (63392) in this case is open and accepting connections.

(I feel this may be a local server as the port used in the config, seems too high and close to default to be from a company, but I could be wrong).

Max cars in race is incorrect. For demo you can have 16 connections, but still only 11 cars in the race.

Rest of it is fine.
i just tested that config and all seems to be working here. Looks like you ned to do some port forwarding. @stoney 63392 is default

The max cars in race does not actually matter so much, you can set it upto 32 all the time and it will still simply be limited by what mode or track you are on automatically.

basically. the config is fine. it seems to be a port / firewall / router problem.