You bring up a really good point Nihil. The Montjuich track took 6 years from conception to completion. Granted it had a few hiccups and periods of inaction along the way, but they did finish it, and it's an amazing track. Then look at all the work thats gone into Monaco Rocks, how long has that been in evolution 4/5 years, and the last time i checked they were still adding bits to it, there was even talk of MR 3. Then you consider Jim Pearson's tracks (it is Jim isn't it ?) How long does he spend on each track ?, hundreds if not thousands of hours.
Do we really have modders here that are willing to put that much time, effort and passion into building just one track ? I'm not doubting the talent we've got here, just questioning the sheer effort that would be required to reproduce a real world track to near perfection to keep the naysayers happy (no names, no pack drill,not pointing a finger at anyone, ok)
Ugh, i could go on and on with this, but most points, issues, reasons for and against etc etc have already been discussed ad nauseam.
To sum up, GPL has been both greatly improved and in some respects hindered by good and bad mods, and that goes for almost any game you can think of. If you've ever had the "pleasure" of the F4 "dance" you'll know how much of a complete pain in the arse it is to scour the net desperately looking for all the extra bits and pieces just to get the game working properly, and to a lesser degree the same applies for Rfactor, and to an extent the same with GPL. If LFS ever got to that stage i think it'll be time to ask my father to have a look in his loft to see if my old scalextric track's still there

I would love real tracks in LFS, but if it means ripping the heart and soul out of the game, then no, it's to much to pay
When i say soul, i mean the community, just look at the fragmented nature of the Rfactor and GPL communities, lets not go there with LFS please.