[OCS] Are a cruise Team created by Owen. We have a 30 slot server with a Cruise InSim and a cop system and a good layout to! We have 4 members, and we are a really active team.
i''am going to give who are in our Team:
[OCS] Owen
[OCS] Spike
[OCS] gripher
Our Server details are:
Server Name: Owens Cruise Server
Slot's: 30
Track: AS5R
InSim: Cruise.
I hope you Enjoy Cruising and have fun ! If you would like to join, E-Mail me at [email protected].
with your
LFS Username:
Hope you Enjoy our Cruise Server !
Enjoy !
[OCS] Are a cruise Team created by Owen. We have a 30 slot server with a Cruise InSim and a cop system and a good layout to! We have 4 members, and we are a really active team.
i''am going to give who are in our Team:
[OCS] Owen
[OCS] Spike
[OCS] gripher
Our Server details are:
Server Name: Owens Cruise Server
Slot's: 30
Track: AS5R
InSim: Cruise.
I hope you Enjoy Cruising and have fun ! If you would like to join, E-Mail me at [email protected].
with your
LFS Username:
Hope you Enjoy our Cruise Server !
Enjoy !