White knuckled kickass road car racing, that's what I found you bet yer ass!
Too bad the steam train (FXO... unspinnable, unbalanced, you know the story) won the race in the end after a racing incident. Makes baby Jesus cry that while real men manhandle the XRT around South City, the FXO driver can chill out and make a few business calls during the race without much trouble.
I don't recall saying South City I mean Blackwood. Heck, even at the autocross track people wreck in T1.
24 Pounds is a small invesment only for those in europe/uk/usa. Currency greatly increases this value here. Of course, some brazilians have it, but it isn't a "small investment" anymore
It's not the amount of passes that make up a great race in my opinion. Going bumper to bumper for most of the race, respecting your fellow drivers by not making stupid moves, not ramming them out if they lose the tail end in a difficult corner (FXO pansies need not to apply) - that's good racing.
Don't you think maybe Calibra (the other dude in a XRT who was leading the pack on the last lap) would have won if there hadn't been a racing incident? Me winning or losing in the last corner had nothing to do with it.
And my stab was aimed at the FXO - not the driver Pete. Unless you are a total douchebag, you'll see that driving the FXO is far less stressing and demanding than trying to keep the XRT in check and in speed. The FWD driver can simply cruise around without much fear of losing it.
FXO seems to have a way faster WR but you all made a lot of mistakes. You had your possibilities to beat the FXO imo but you burned your tires instead. It wasn't too bad after a two-week break though. Try again and suprise yourself.
Don't take me wrong, I'm really into praising the RWDs. The car choise just didn't decide this race...
If you love racing there are ways, and trust me the level of racing that can be found now is something people would usually see in league races, superb =)
I really hope the level is good. I tried the demo servers again tonight, and man, does it suck
You see, 3 drivers on the track, one is drifting with a passenger in the car the other is going around the track wrong way around and wrecking everyone he finds along the way, Burnout style
I really hope i win one of the contests i entered.