Quote from muzz-jet747 :lol tru but i like driving xrg so i converted da good 1s so i can drive it on xrg but no1 can c dem so yer

I thought it's english forum, not wakka-wakkanese
Quote from juejue :its parts of drftmstr and DD is the only people besides JDMF and DrftMstr that can use it.

ok, but wheres the credit? if they use it and dont write in the skin who made it, the people can think is made by Design Dudes

Sorry for my english
credits fixed, sorry for that i don´t want hurt anybody =)

greetz caoz
Quote from muzz-jet747 :lol tru but i like driving xrg so i converted da good 1s so i can drive it on xrg but no1 can c dem so yer

Learn to spell!

By the way, just renaming a skin to XRG doesnt make him be converted.
Quote from baSh0r :Learn to spell!

By the way, just renaming a skin to XRG doesnt make him be converted.

I know right, I hate people that type like that, not trying to be racist, but it's mainly........anyways.
Quote from FCS13 :Sorry for my english

This made me laugh.

Your english is perfect compared to this "no 1 can c dem so yer" guy.
Yeah the only thing he got wrong was "is" but it's all good.
Quote from zeugnimod :This made me laugh.

Your english is perfect compared to this "no 1 can c dem so yer" guy.

There's a difference between being able to write in english and make the effort to write properly too...
Quote from muzz-jet747 :wat if sum1 wanted 2 use dese skins on a xrg den wtf u gonna do u guys r 2 lazy 2 put it u dere and i already did it

N u sim 2 b 2 lazy 2 taip propali.
You obviously don't know sarcasm when it hits you in the face.
Quote from muzz-jet747 :k dats fukin it im fukin typin proply and its calld slang and u didnt type proply dere (n u sim 2 b 2 lazy) <<--- u fukin go

Well, don't use a local slang on a international forum.

A very annoying "slang" at that.
just hang in loose bloooood, we gonna catch up the mods on da ban side.
Quote from muzz-jet747 :...some random funny text...

Go spend a few hours on creating something worth using, then let me steal it and change stuff about and calling it my own and then you'll start crying.

Making skins ain't like learning to 'tlk lyk da rappaz tel me 2 iz it'
i fink dat u g2g cz ur brngg da place dwn lik so yer
SamH 2 da reskuz!!!11
Quote from SamH :i fink dat u g2g cz ur brngg da place dwn lik so yer

Ya rite, dat jive ass dude don got no brains anyhow (Airplane anyone?)
God guys QUIT WITH THE SPAM!Dont multi-post and dont cuss.Seriously,this is ridiculous.
I believe your the ones taking this a step too far.

Go shit on someone elses grave, we don't want you here.
Waiter, Oh Waiter. Can I get 2 orders of banana please. Well Done.

Quote from muzz-jet747 :dick heads
ur faggot are retarded ok

who cares whos skin it its only a game its for ppl to hav funn

so many ppl take this so serouisly


1. Your demo so stfu
2. learn to make sense, ur faggot are retarded ok?. WTF!
If you are crying that we take this serouisly then why are you replying to them and mouthing off.
Don't talk until you get a license.
Some demo people don't know when you shut up, i hope the mods do something to you.
Quote from l1k3z0mg :Ok
1. Your demo so stfu
2. learn to make sense, ur faggot are retarded ok?. WTF!
If you are crying that we take this serouisly then why are you replying to them and mouthing off.
Don't talk until you get a license.
Some demo people don't know when you shut up, i hope the mods do something to you.

You are a S2 licensed racer and it still doesn't give you the right to shit on every demo racer so stfu...
stop clogging the XR skins section!
Quote from SamH :i fink dat u g2g cz ur brngg da place dwn lik so yer

haha classic...
Quote from Falcon140 :Waiter, Oh Waiter. Can I get 2 orders of banana please. Well Done.


how about a banana phone? Eh, good enough I guess.

XR Skins (All)
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