vektorized kid says: Zeh nu blackwood sucks hard!
Nice one Taavi, good composition!
I have spent some time and...
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Photoreal style

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Photoreal FZ50.jpg
Photoreal FZ50 original.jpg
WOW Lynce very good work...

A quick edit
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lfs_00000472 copy.jpg
Muy buena chanoman.

Cover style coming soon

Like this: ... 003130352288702293_rs.jpg ... 004376346801154914_rs.jpg ... 000214195360070231_rs.jpg ... 004555987185639121_rs.jpg ... 003066946054813021_rs.jpg

Free petitions with link to original cover.


Need for Speed Underground

Need for Speed Underground 2

Need for Speed Most Wanted

Need for Speed Carbono

Juiced 2

Colin McRae 4

Burnout Paradise

Burnout Revenge.

My try!
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Lynce, this is just godlike. You put so much effort in your work, I can't imagine how much time you spend on one picture. Stunning, just stunning. Well here is my newest creation.

dedicated to Lynce
Thanks Anathema. Very nice pic. If you want help about Photoshop you can send me a M.P. I always respond.

About your question. How much time?

FZ50 Photoreal pic, last pic, about 1 hour.

First link, about 2 hours.

Second link, about 45 mins

Third Link, about 1 hour or 1 hour and 15 minutes.

Fourth Link, about 1 hour and 30 minutes.

Fifth link, about 5 hours (dividited on two days). Problem with asphalt reflections.

Normal pic with blur 15 minutes max. Like this:
(Nice pic Tomas)

F1rst Racing movie about 4 days.

Interfaz v. delta movie, about two weeks.

LFS Intro movie, about two weeks.

Edited pics movie, 4 hours.

RB4 GT Ralliart Addons(engine sund, Two Skin,, Parts, interior1 and 2, discplate, padsz,gator, and secreenshots) about two days.

LFS Blog (website) about 10 days.
one quickie from our league
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Nice spangler

Magazine Style
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Rac South City crepusculo original.jpg
Rac South City crepusculo.jpg
some crap....
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I wish I could draw like you

@ Lynce... if it's "Magazine Style" why don't you add it "magazine-ish" things? I can do it for you if you want... I've got some freetime
Ferrari in heaven
EDIT: Kimi lost the break point
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lfs_00000485 copy.jpg
lfs_00000479 copy.jpg
a fast one from a test ride at kyoto

full view

greetz caoz
/me trying to edit picture
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low 888.jpg
evostar icons look weird but all in all good one
In the spirit of my XFR shot, but with more carnage:
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fxr CRASH.jpg

Edited pics
(14107 posts, started )