The online racing simulator
#1 - sun
Cruise application assistance (Was: Command !send)

i manageg to get the MST message working, but when i type in !send 40 sun it says 'host send money to host'.


"/msg ^7" + Connections[GetConnIdx(MSO.UCID)].PlayerName + " ^7Sent money to " + Connections[GetConnIdx(UniqueID)].UName);

any one help ?

if u can please post


(DarkTimes) DELETED by DarkTimes
#2 - ReVoX
Although badly worded there is a difference. In that post Owen was asking for help to write it.

Here he is asking for it to be written for him. These, in my mind, are two entirely different requests and should be treated as such.

It should be noted that Owen is most likely using the C# cruise example posted in the main subforum.
#4 - ReVoX
yes, i saw, but in the other he asked also for the code
I was hoping that people would have the intelligence to understand why this thread was made, and to treat this thread separately because it was reposted here.

I was hoping for a fresh start for Owen if you will, in the hope that we can get some sort of balance back here and to clear what is rapidly becoming the Owen vs. the world argument that constantly forms in the main programmers area without the moderators having to resort to a banning.

Owen has posted here, relatively clearly asking for code, not asking for help and then expecting it to be written instead of getting advice. He's actually asking for the code. In short he's posted correctly, in the right place. Is this too subtle a difference for you ladies and gentlemen? Do I have the hammer the point home some more?

Prove to me that I was not mistaken and that I was not expecting too much from some certain people.

If you have something useful to post, such as assisting Owen, please do so. Otherwise do not.
Quote from the_angry_angel :I was hoping that people would have the intelligence to understand why this thread was made, and to treat this thread separately because it was reposted here.

I was hoping for a fresh start for Owen if you will, in the hope that we can get some sort of balance back here and to clear what is rapidly becoming the Owen vs. the world argument that constantly forms in the main programmers area without the moderators having to resort to a banning.

I think he needs a ban myself. Look in the LFS_External thread. Shaun is 9 years old. 2 years younger then Owen and because he is appling learning to his concept. He is doing 1000x better then sun. Also not spamming the forum with stupid posts.

Quote from the_angry_angel :
Owen has posted here, relatively clearly asking for code, not asking for help and expecting it to be written. Is this too subtle a difference?

Asking for code, Now theres a surprise.

Quote from the_angry_angel :
Prove to me that I was not mistaken and that I was not expecting too much from some certain people.

Namly me as i reported the post for 1. wrong section and 2.this is a fraction different from the other thread. So why make a new one?

Quote from the_angry_angel :
If you have something useful to post, such as assisting Owen, please do so. Otherwise do not.

I have something usefull to say. People need to stop helping sun in order for him to learn. If people keep assisting him then hes never gonna apply the concept of learning to write programs.
Shaun is not relevant to this discussion.

Quote from mcgas001 :this is a fraction different from the other thread. So why make a new one?

Because it's about how something is being asked or requested - this is what the problem has been between several people and sun.

Consider this: sun has posted a request like TFalke55, Riders Motion, etc. have recently. Consider this to be a first post. A fresh start and treat it as such.

Quote from mcgas001 :If people keep assisting him then hes never gonna apply the concept of learning to write programs.

Teaching people to program has never been the goal.

I'll state once more; If you can't get on board with this idea then do not post. If you disagree with a post or thread then report it and be on your way. Do not spam, do not provoke.

If things go back to the way they were then things will obviously have to change one way or another. If this results in removing a party for some peace, then so be it.
Can I ask a general question, having never been to a cruise server, when you do things like type "!send 20 sun", are you using the players LFS username or their in-game nickname?
The !send command sends the cash to a username. This is why a foreach loop is perfect, and is what I have used in my insim program.

I'm not contributing to spam by saying this (I hope I'm not, I'm not trying anyway), but I have tried helping Sun in the past. I can appreciate that due to his age, he won't learn as fast as others. But he just seems to have an unwillingness to learn. And I don't see the point in someone doing all of it for him, then no-one gains anything...

Maybe he's just too ambitious or something, but it just seems like it's not going to work...I will post help for him on the forum where I can, but I think private tuition is pointless until he learns the basics of Visual C# first. And I don't think someone here giving lessons in C# is the answer...but that's my opinion...
Quote from the_angry_angel :If someone is willing to help out Owen/sun then consider this to be a request for longer term help and introduction to programming.

OK well, I didn't see that before I wrote it.

I have implemented this feature (quite probably very badly) into the Cruise Example code. I will post it here, but please do not take this as a committal of help to Owen. Of course I will help him in general if I can, as I like to think I try to help everyone in this forum (quite probably very badly), but I'm not going to try teach him how to program.

Anyway, here it is. You type "!send 20 sun" and it will award them 20 more cash. It only allows the server admin to award cash, but you can comment out that part of the code if you want.

Edit: Realised I'd changed the admin password, which could cause confusion, so I've uploaded a corrected version.
Attached files
Cruise Tutorial (With Send Command).zip - 45.5 KB - 563 views
#11 - sun
ld like to thank you darkvtimes, for helping me with somthing what i have been trying to programm for ages

for a treat you get £300k on my server

I Really apreciate it (cant spell it lol)

Thank you again


Quote from sun :
for a treat you get £300k on my server

Um... thanks.

Anyway, I'd glad you're happy. A little less spam posts now, OK?
This thread is closed