Hello racers!
As you may have read in the rules thread, there is a new rule regarding exiting the pits under the SC periods. In order to avoid confusion as to where cars should blend when exiting, we have made the following change:
The pit exit closes when the SC passes it, and re-opens when the last on-track car passes it. Drivers exiting the pits while the pits are closed will receive a DT penalty.
Originally, we were planning to administer the closing/opening of the pits and the penalizing of offenders on our own. However, we found out that Burnsy had recently developed an insim app to help oval race admins handle caution periods and realized that it could very easily be adapted to handle IGTC SC periods.
The app allows admins to control the green/yellow status of the track, as well as whether the pits are open or closed via insim buttons. The track and pit status will be always visible in the lower left corner of the drivers' screens, which should erase any confusion.
For this round, we will run the insim app alongside Starblue's tracker app. We have tested them together and determined that they do not interfere with one another. For subsequent rounds, Starblue plans to build the functionality into his own program, along with automated penalties for pit exit line crossing and so on.
Here's a quick preview:
Admin view
Player view
The only concern at the moment is that the track/pit status buttons currently overlap the left side tire/suspension info. I'm talking to Burnsy about moving the buttons up above this info.
Comments and suggestions are welcome.
As you may have read in the rules thread, there is a new rule regarding exiting the pits under the SC periods. In order to avoid confusion as to where cars should blend when exiting, we have made the following change:
The pit exit closes when the SC passes it, and re-opens when the last on-track car passes it. Drivers exiting the pits while the pits are closed will receive a DT penalty.
Originally, we were planning to administer the closing/opening of the pits and the penalizing of offenders on our own. However, we found out that Burnsy had recently developed an insim app to help oval race admins handle caution periods and realized that it could very easily be adapted to handle IGTC SC periods.
The app allows admins to control the green/yellow status of the track, as well as whether the pits are open or closed via insim buttons. The track and pit status will be always visible in the lower left corner of the drivers' screens, which should erase any confusion.
For this round, we will run the insim app alongside Starblue's tracker app. We have tested them together and determined that they do not interfere with one another. For subsequent rounds, Starblue plans to build the functionality into his own program, along with automated penalties for pit exit line crossing and so on.
Here's a quick preview:
Admin view
Player view
The only concern at the moment is that the track/pit status buttons currently overlap the left side tire/suspension info. I'm talking to Burnsy about moving the buttons up above this info.
Comments and suggestions are welcome.