Not really. Atheists don't positively maintain that there isn't a god, no do they absolutely discount the possibility of one - they simply don't believe there is one because no evidence exists to support the claim. That may seem a tiny semantic difference but in this area of discourse it's a vital one. People who actively believe there isn't a god are
Atheism a passive disbelief, an absence of belief, not an active disbelief and not a dearly-held truth. It's simply based on a lack of evidence. It's certainly not a statement of absolute truth. Noone can know if gods actually exist, regardless of their beliefs or lack of them. I can't prove gods don't exist. I don't wish to and it shouldn't be expected of me or anyone else - you can't prove the nonexistence of something. He who makes the
positive claim, that gods
do exist, has the responsibility to provide evidence. Same as in a court of law. You claim I killed someone, show the jury the evidence. If I didn't kill anyone, the lack of evidence clears my name. Unless you frame me.
I won't say "there isn't a god" because you're right, I can't know that for sure, but I will say "there isn't any
evidence of a god". That doesn't mean I'm agnostic so please, for the love of [something], don't be throwing me in a box. The one thing that craps in my mouth is people telling me what I do or don't believe and in which category that places me. I'm
a-theist. Without a god. That doesn't mean I deny the possibility of one existing. What it does mean is that I no more believe gods exist than leprechauns, unicorns, Vulcans or honest TV evangelists. I live my life as if leprechauns don't exist - not because I
know they don't, but because I don't believe they do. Noone's ever asked me to disprove the existence of leprechauns. It's not a belief, it's the absence of one. Calling disbelief a leap of faith (how can it be a leap of faith to
not believe in something for which there's no evidence? More like common ****ing sense imho

), or calling atheism a religion is like calling "not collecting stamps" a hobby. It's a complete misunderstanding of atheism that's leapt upon and used as an argument ad nauseam by the religious and unreligious alike. And it shits me. So I'm goin' down the pub.