Thank you for ' '. Probably the friendliest drifters you could meet are those that are active on forums. And they are not idiots at all People organising competitions/events, people who make nice movies imo(Xtreme, Sam, me??? , Jibber and a few others), some awesome skinners and so on. Unfortunally I can't tell really myself how 'most' of drifters are nowadays as I'm rarely on drift servers, and if I am then usually on private ones. It's just quite sad to hear, as I don't remember people talking like that back in early S1 days. Could be that the reason is the popularity of lfs that increases quite fast. But oh well, whatever. No point in discussing this(as it won't help anyone) I guess.
I agree with Kamkor. Don't judge drifters from a few morons who can barely drift in the first place. LFS-T is my home, and that's not going to change no matter how many stuipid people come into the LFS community.
Video doesn't work for me, perhaps because of mozilla?