I've got a hankering for some real tracks such as Brands Hatch, Donnigton, Oulton Park etc. Not only would it be cool to drive these tracks but it would also help for when I can afford a decent car and a track day!
It would also have been suggested before. Many, many times.
Please use the search before creating a new thread, especially in the Improvement Suggestions forum. The sticky at the top contains all the most commonly requested features.
I'd actually wouldn't mind someone recreating LFS tracks IRL. Not only would it be cool to drive these tracks but it would also help for when people ask for real tracks in LFS!
What we need to do is all join the LDS church, get one of us appointed as a head-ish honcho-ish -type guy, or one of us to sleep with such a guy. They're buying up land all over the place and they take 10% of every churchgoer's income, so in all likelihood they'll have a plot big enough for Blackwood and a purse fat enough to build it.
Bagsy not shagging any vicars. The rest of you can draw straws.
Sorry for wasting space. I had a look in the sticky and it's not on the list. Love the idea of getting tracks out of the church though!
Why don't we start a campaign to find some rich dude that wants to be "down with kids" and in order to do so will give us a racetrack on his huge plot of land!