The online racing simulator
April Fools 2008.
(52 posts, started )
April Fools 2008.
I need a good April fools to play. What are your ideas. Keep in mind, I have a lot of supply's from the Ambulance core at my disposal, that includes things like caution tape, saline bags and flushes, flares [They do expire too ya know]. What do ya guys think, what can be done?
#2 - Jakg
Fake your own death?
Setup a fake crime scene at your house, then when your parents come home, horrified and scared that something may have happened, APRIL FOOLS!
Quote from Jakg :Fake your own death?

One guy made this joke on one croatian forum. He "have" leukemia, and everybody belived.
#5 - Jakg
Quote from Dario Sudac :One guy made this joke on one croatian forum. He "have" leukemia, and everybody belived.

I've seen someone fake their own death on a forum for attention. The same person who made a massive topic about loosing the "love of their life" or their pimped out Skyline which they could never post any pics off.

The things people will do for attention...
Do what that bam margera(jackass guy) did.
He had a little tape of he's mom house then he edited the video and put a explode thing so it looks like the house exloded :P
And She thinks it's real :P is your friend here, there are some really funny videos on that lol
i learnt this from one show( i dont remember the name)
My brother always drinks milk and juice from bottles so i made hole to the other side of the bottle so when he pulled the bottle up and started drinking, the all milk flew to hes face
now he never drinks from bottles again
I did this to a guys bottle of water at work last week
Pfft, we used to do that to bottles and cans in high school. It's not new (that was 9 years ago)
#11 - Jakg
Hide an MP3 player by their bed as they sleep and record subliminal messages to them?

(This has been done to me for a week solid and I honestly considered telling my friends about "the voices in my head" before I worked out they were trying to get me to "kill all blondes")
Four years ago on April Fools Day, my 1st kid was born. His birthday suits his personality.
Dygear - it would probably help if we knew your target audience. Who will you be playing the prank on?
Quote from Bob Smith :Dygear - it would probably help if we knew your target audience. Who will you be playing the prank on?

Now here is someone we can all learn from. He takes pranks so seriously that he needs to market them correctly! Such consideration!
#15 - JJ72
the best idea would be to fake a death prank, and when everyone notice it's april the first and thought it is a joke, you are found actually dead.
Right, if you have the time here's an idea.

Get an old training dummy.
Get some saline solution and mix it with red food colouring (you know where this is going).
Stick some of your lovely new red saline packs all round the inside of the dummy.
Attach a cherry bomb (or 2) or some firecrackers somewhere inside the dummy.
Dress the dummy in clothes. Works better if you have a full dummy, but will work with a top half as well.
Find a public place. The busier the better.
If you have a half dummy, sit down on a bench. If you have a full one, keep it standing.
Act like you're talking to the dummy. Laugh loudly so that people are paying you a lot of attention.
As you laugh, lean forward and light the fuse on the dummy.
Watch in amusement as people see your friend exploding all over the place.

Mmm, nice.

You can always then put the tape around the area for effect before you go home. Funnier would be being covered in "blood" and taking the bus home, then when you're about to get off, seal off the area around your seat. If anyone's watching, shrug at them and say "Crime scene" or something as you walk away
Here are few interesting ideas:

I have some of my own ideas too
- tell your mommy you're pregnant
- go to a bank and pull out your gun and yell "robbery, every mo******** gets the **** down". After you get the money, you tell them it was an april fool's prank
- mix your father's painkillers and viagras
- tell your father you're a jedi
- steal a corpse from cemetary and hide it in your closet. When your mommy finds it, tell him you idolize Norman Bates.

Someone really thinks something fake death related is funny? Think if you were the one that was getting fooled.
I sometimes take a rubber band and set the kitchen 'flexi-sprayer' thing to on with it and point it where people stand to use the sink. I did have an accidental friendly fire incident with this before though.
Make a fake post on a news site with pictures of a fake crime scene and say the CIA busted into next doors house and found Bin Laden.
It's now april fools day and no-one yet has pulled a prank on me. Only all news and websites, (Mtv3 pulled a good one this morning, thou worse than last year). And our local newspaper set a new low: Practically all reporters of the bloody newspaper made their own april fools story. Half the paper is made up!!
Maybe just me, but I'm tired of all this april joke thingy. The jokes are just tasteless and stupid, nothing orginally anymore.
There was a good one here in Australia a few years ago.

The two most popular local radio stations switched transmission frequencies for the morning, you can imagine all the people driving to work thinking wtf

This morning the local abc radio (which is comercial free) ran fake adds, there were people ringing in complaining lol
I was gonna tell my dad I was pregnant, don't think he would have belived that.
Then tell him you are gay.

April Fools 2008.
(52 posts, started )