The online racing simulator
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(28 posts, started )
#1 - zxTT
havnt been on in a while
do the in-game engine sounds still suck?
#2 - Gunn
Quote from zxTT :do the in-game engine sounds still suck?

This is the LFS forum, not the GTR forum.
Quote from Gunn :This is the LFS forum, not the GTR forum.

way to be a moderator gunn.. lets keep it back on topic

no, the sounds have not changed since S2 was released

(gunn.. why be a scapegoat in the whole situation when you can just ignore it)
#4 - Gunn
Quote from XCNuse :gunn.. why be a scapegoat in the whole situation when you can just ignore it)

Scapegoat? The guy is looking for a game where the engine sound sucks, since LFS doesn't fit this description I merely pointed him a direction that does. If he really is interested in sounds of LFS he would start a topic in a sensible way. And XCNuse, what you know about moderating could be written on the back of a postage stamp in 10 foot high letters. No moderation has occurred here, I'm posting in a forum.
now you are taking the scapegoat way and blaming me on the situation; and i do know a little 'sumthin' about moderating, and its NOT taking someones words and shoving it back at their faces
the man asked a question, and he DESERVES a response
YOU didn't give him one
#6 - Gunn
Quote from XCNuse :now you are taking the scapegoat way and blaming me on the situation; and i do know a little 'sumthin' about moderating, and its NOT taking someones words and shoving it back at their faces
the man asked a question, and he DESERVES a response
YOU didn't give him one

Wow, you are way out of your depth, again.
lol xcnuse, he was only making a joke (or well, it seems like one too me) i thought it was funny
Quote from Gunn :Scapegoat? The guy is looking for a game where the engine sound sucks, since LFS doesn't fit this description I merely pointed him a direction that does. If he really is interested in sounds of LFS he would start a topic in a sensible way. And XCNuse, what you know about moderating could be written on the back of a postage stamp in 10 foot high letters. No moderation has occurred here, I'm posting in a forum.

True, you weren't moderating, but neither were you acting like a moderator should. In addition to moderating, I think moderators should try to serve as examples of how to act on the forums. Well, that's how I see it anyway...

So, if you feel to need to act like an ****, why not create another account for that so it won't eat away the credibility of the other moderators as well?
Quote from Gunn :And XCNuse, what you know about moderating could be written on the back of a postage stamp in 10 foot high letters. No moderation has occurred here, I'm posting in a forum.

Quote from Gunn :Wow, you are way out of your depth, again.

i think you are, take a look at what is underneath your name.. correct me if i am wrong, i believe it says 'moderator' (or so it does for now)

therefore.. you agree to set the standards of this forum here or thereby should be 'relieved' from your position by not doing so .. from lack thereof

i personally would not let you be a moderator due to your social instability and tendancy to start arguments and rude comments, but thats just me
#10 - Gunn
Quote from XCNuse :i think you are, take a look at what is underneath your name.. correct me if i am wrong, i believe it says 'moderator'

therefore.. you agree to set the standards of this forum here or thereby should be 'relieved' from your position by not doing so .. from lack thereof

I agree to nothing of the sort. Your problem here is you think that anyone with a staff title can't post normally as anyone else might. If I have an opinion or comment I'm going to post it. I'm an LFS racer, customer, supporter and forum member. When moderation is required I do it. None was required here. Now every sheep gets to throw rocks at the staff member. Woo Hoo, welcome to RSC. I won't wear it from any of you. I'm a big boy and stand behind my words and actions. I don't care if you go "oooh look! A moderator with an opinion, let's get him!"

Yawn, same old tired mob mentality. Lots of people post sarcastic comments around here, I don't see you jumping all over them. Maybe they need to become a mod before they are worthy of your wrath? Wave your flag in front of some other moderator.
i stand my land and hold my flag.. you cant do anything about it.
i post for what i believe is the truth, and zxTT asked a reasonable question (even his first post) and all you want to do is start war.. no one here is in depression, so no need to try to take from something that doesnt exist

all you are doing now is forming a grudge with me
and i too am posting what i think is right, so you cant do anything about it either, but to prove my point, moderators are given that status because they are role models.. so sarcasm or no sarcasm.. you shattered a reputation
#12 - Gunn
What a crock. My attitude is no differrent to the topic-starter's post. Asking if something "still sucks". One out of ten for tact and diplomacy. If you are running the current patch you know very well what the sounds are like. If you aren't running the current patch then a good idea would be to visit the web site or read some topics here. Or check the improvement suggestions or search....

Or we could just pander to the barbed question and start another endless whinge about who likes what where. There's plenty of arguments (and answers) around already for that.

I don't have a grudge against you XCNuse, but you seem to like taking the liberty of deciding for me what my opinions will be. The last time you threw rocks at me I was only sticking up for some guy. You misread that situation, and now this. Give your opinion freely but don't tell me how I should do things and what example I should set. Leave that up to me, I've had much more experience at getting things both right and wrong as you have, so I think I'll take it from here thanks buddy. Nothing more to say here.
ok and now kiss and make up.

This thread is going way out of hand over nothing in my opinion.
The accusations that have been thrown about here are out of order, from both parties and it seems to me it's a typical 'you accuse me, I accuse you' battle without any end, so why not just cut it here ok?

The issue about whether moderators shouldn't be allowed their own voice is another topic. Imo they can say whatever anyone else would say. It is true that if anyone else would have posted Gunn's first post, no moderator would have stepped in. So why shouldn't Gunn be allowed to make such a post?
Now I know what you're thinking: he should set an example. And that's true, but then again, do we really have to fight over this? Come on guys (both parties involved) ... I feel silly having to post here.
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
Quote from zxTT :do the in-game engine sounds still suck?

Not much of a question anyone could seriously answer since you didn't even provide the version of LFS you've experienced last. :P

Anyway, the sound has improved in comparison of S1 and S2 Alpha. Some changes I personally don't like that much, others I like more. Engine sounds are still synthetic so.. you are S2 licensed, why not drop an ear?

Quote from Gunn :This is the LFS forum, not the GTR forum.

Made me laugh so.. calm down dudes. That's like something a lot of people would like to have replied before Gunn did
IMHO the engine sound is very informative, but u need good headphones.
I had a noname at first, bought a Sennheiser, the difference (not only with LFS) is really impressive.

I agree, there's no Bang-Bang, no Klong gear sound, but a good engine power feeling, and a good grip feeling also.
I'm with Gunn on this one (not that it matters).

And sounds have improved since S1, but (to Messiah) we are still on Alpha, so they can't have imporved since then. And as far as I know we have the same sound engine that we had in the S2 Demo.

zxTT - if you're after cars tat sound a bit like real racing cars then you'll be out of luck. If you're after a sound engine that tells you exactly whats going on, rather than the closest recording of whats going on, and has the potential to get even better, then you're in luck. Download S2 (130MB) and give it a whirl. Some of the cars sound really good.
Yeah, just put the FXO or FXO GTR in a bit too low a gear and floor it...


Pure heaven. Not to mention the sound of going under an overpass or getting close to the wall.
I may be wrong on this (no 'certificate' to say im an expert in this) but i think it the air intake that 'sucks'

i think the sounds are pretty good.

i dont know if any of you use a sub with your speakers but it really helps to add oompf to the sounds. if you turn it up you feel vibrations if you pull away at low revs. and it sounds great with LFS.
THat's right Gunn. You really screwed up this time. A decent moderator would've permabanned the original poster and locked this
thread. But no not you. you gotta try and inject some slightly sarcasctic humor to an otherwise mundane lamer type post.
please................................ I think some people really need to lighten up.
I think with all the negative posts that have showed up lately and with that initial post in particular, a bit of a wise-assed response was in order.

LOL next time I see moderating like that, I'll wreck the mod that did it on the servers!!!!! That's right I'll plant your ass like a tree.

I dunno. IMHO, that was a perfectly acceptable response if not a little too tame.

Oh wow, what was the thread about again?

Yes, to some degree. But I don't find it disturbing or bad. And in a way it still sounds like a car

And I'm 50% on Gunn's side and 50% on XCNuse's side. And that leaves me 0%...oh no

Actually I'm on Victor's side 100%. That means I'm completely neutral in this matter (and in possession of unholy dark forces: moderating +1000pts and LFS credibility +1000)
100% with u on this one Gunn. An amuzing little post that just needed to be taken in good humour - just like the starting post in the thread really.
Quote from richy :i think the sounds are pretty good.

i dont know if any of you use a sub with your speakers but it really helps to add oompf to the sounds. if you turn it up you feel vibrations if you pull away at low revs. and it sounds great with LFS.

I might agree with you IF I had a subwoofer, but I don't. I use a really good set of headphones as I race at night when the little ones are sleeping. Aside from using a really good soundsystem with a subwoofer set at a nice elevated volume, good headphones are the second best thing. Especially since there's no support for surround sound. My headphones allow me to here the details of tire scrub, echo, and other cars better than a simple set of low powered desktop speakers. The sounds sound good enough for me with the headphones, especially with the way they are created and the feedback I get from the car.
....and you don't get put off by the bloomin' phone ringin' when you're in the middle of an ERRC race or something!

I agree with richy tho - I use a suby and it does sound a lot better. Makes the wind noise a lot more realistic.

havnt been on in a while
(28 posts, started )