The online racing simulator
What!? you mean people have actually paid for this....
Quote from (EVRT)DFS :seguis con la misma pendejada de meter a todos en la misma bolsase ve q sos muy salame y ade+ vos te pensas q yo soy rapido para nada sino preguntale a chano nunca fui rapido pero si constante y lo unico queria era provar si sos tan bueno como alardeas pero tenes razon no vale la pena gastar tiempo con gente como vos y encima se ve q tenes alma de milico y lo del crack q tanto hablas vas a leer comentarios en todos lados no se q es lo q tanto te asombra

AHAHAHAHAHAHA , Dios , "ALMA DE MILICO" , sos un pobre diablo , Segui asi flaco.

P.D: Te bloke en el foro , asi que lo que pongas despues no lo voy a ver
Saludos y disfruta siendo Demo


Well he say i have soul of soldier (In sertain way)

Now mi translation

HAHAHAHAHAHA ,God , "soul of soldier" , you are a poor devil , kep it up skinny

P.s:I have blocked you in the forums , so whatever you type i dont read it
Bye and enjoy being demo´der
Quote from Inouva :AHAHAHAHAHAHA , Dios , "ALMA DE MILICO" , sos un pobre diablo , Segui asi flaco.

P.D: Te bloke en el foro , asi que lo que pongas despues no lo voy a ver
Saludos y disfruta siendo Demo


Well he say i have soul of soldier (In sertain way)

Now mi translation

HAHAHAHAHAHA ,God , "soul of soldier" , you are a poor devil , kep it up skinny

P.s:I have blocked you in the forums , so whatever you type i dont read it
Bye and enjoy being demo´der

a quien le ganaste, te estaban hablando bien y vos bardeas de la nada illepall , yo conosco a algunos del team club del escort y andan bastante bien, es mas, se la pasan practicando en av para ganarse la licencia, asi que deja de hablar al pedo
Quote from matyav :a quien le ganaste, te estaban hablando bien y vos bardeas de la nada illepall , yo conosco a algunos del team club del escort y andan bastante bien, es mas, se la pasan practicando en av para ganarse la licencia, asi que deja de hablar al pedo

No se quienes eran ( muchas opciones no podian ser porque el server tenia contraseña asi que los que entraron eran del CE), pero se hiso una carrera con el FBM a 5 vueltas , y la gane yo
That was an amazing read of an argument >
Slide Squad drift team :
team web
Team since 2008-01-19

Slide'S Maatin
Slide'S Degree

Slide'S Might

Slide'S Wuuxi

Slide'S Mr.Fuji

Slide'S FD3S

Slide'S Clown
Im Not Sure If Gomez Has Said anything in here but hes made a separet topic about it. He has established a new team.............

Here it's, a new -international- drift team, i'm the founder and we only have one more member at the moment


Maybe on 3-4 weeks we've got a server

*We are open for new members -Send a PM- *

DRIFT*SPEC team Founder
***Recruiting open**

So There You Have it, PLZ BE KIND AND NO CURSING!!!!!

Thanks, First Recruited Member DK_USA
TeamD (TeamDrift)

We have about 9 members, most of us are drifters. (1 Not listed.)

[TeamD] Fidelity
[TeamD] Nikdude
[TeamD] Nagasuke
[TeamD] Suppari
[TeamD] JonnyB
[TeamD] Cannabis
[TeamD] Outsider
[TeamD] Hoggy.

Teamspeak, skins, site/forums.

Most of us are S2. Just got my S2 on the 14th

Site: N/A Its under construction.
Slide-FX - Drifting Team Since 2007
Here's the updated team list after the recent recruitments:

SFX beefyman666
SFX CashMoney
SFX Cobra
SFX Fretan
SFX Kaneda
SFX Riders Motion
SFX Stan°
SFX Tittentei

-Riders Motion
#low-racing -

Forename "Nick" Surname (LFSW)

- Andreas 'and1' Grauel (Andreas Grauel)
- Andreas 'Blackysman' Schwarze (MG-NA3)
- Daniel 'ThePessimist' Scheuerle (ThePessimist)
- Edvin 'TNH' Zec (edvin87)
- Johannes 'zockmachine' Scheuerle (zockmachine)
- Jan 'Iceman' Latendorf (space03)
- Kevin 'York' Merchel (VanishingPoint)
- Mario 'Shordy' Kelterbaum (Shorty)
- Markus 'Checkout' Gunzelmann (Checkout)
- Nikifor 'N I K I' Djakovic (N I K I)
- Oliver 'Gameco' Schäfermeier (Gameco)
- Sandro 'MCHM' Bravo (MCHM)
- Sven 'Lupus' Klein (Lupus2912)
<QAR> (if you cant read that then highlight it)
Two s2 members
Lachlan ''LACHMANSTA'' vincent - monkey-butt
phil "lolly" Bakes - phil46
Three demo members
Live For Drift - (C) 2008
Live For Drift (L.F.D) gaming (C)

We are a new team/organisation on the e-Drift scene.




Rafael Slyde (myself)
Sanchez (oxid3 as is known)
Carvalho (style)
Exedy Team
EXEDY TEAM - Czechoslovak Team
Exedy Team since 5th August 2007

Team leader:

EXD Momo (Slovak)

EXD Mike (Czech)
EXD Woyta (Czech)
EXD WaldaCZ (Czech)

Website: (czech/slovak language) (english language)
227 Racing

We then wil make our team Official


Tommy [don't have his LFS name]

Team Site:
Team Forum: Coming soon
Herts Racing Team
A New Team!

Herts Racing Team, (pronounced 'Hearts', it's not spelt wrong keep reading) is a small live for speed racing team based in Hertforshire, England. We aim to race fast & fair, with fellow members helping each other out during races, and are currently expanding.

Our team is brand new, we currently have two three four members, including

James_bskt - James[Herts]
Pandastrike3 - Panda[Herts]

And in Demo

Diola383- Diola[Herts]
Michaelwilliams - Mini[Herts]

Visit our site now to apply, at the forums. We are in need of fair racers who are dedicated, fast and have lfs 'knowledge'. Clean racing plays a large role in our team, we have a reputation to live up to, and that's podiums not Shift-S (spectating).

New members can be any age, and have intrests in the UF1 ('Mini') UFR & UF-BR (faster 'mini' & 'limited') the FBM (Formula BMW) and have raced with any of the CTRA servers at least 10 times. You will be classed as a full member after a week of good forum usage, a great display of racing and preferably friendlyness!

Herts Racing is currently looking for a dedicated server, since using our own non-permanent one's mean you can only connect when we're online, so that's only about 10hours a day/night. If you would like to help out with this please contact on these forums or on Herts racing forums, and you'll become a respected member of the team & get advertising on our Site and forums.


Now online at Herts Racing 2008

powered by 500 servers

Thanks, James
0 plate
For the win guys !11
(hansonator69) DELETED by hansonator69 : Team closed down
Crow D1 Drift team
I just started a team a couple weeks ago, have 2 members, but forgot their names. PLEASE PM me if you want to join. meeting Aug. 10th. DRIFTERS PLEASE JOIN!!!!!!!!!!
Quote from driftking11 :have 2 members, but forgot their names.

Which letter in the word "established" can't you read?
Quote from zeugnimod :

Which letter in the word "established" can't you read?

Priceless :uglyhamme

Established teams please make a post here...
(636 posts, started )