Quote from JO53PHS :But Astroboy can't be a marshall AND compete

Chances are i wont, because it will be at like 4-5am so marshalling is a tad easier then waking up that eairly and annoying people in my family.
What bad have I done against the human race that everybody is just compelled to misspell my name?
Also, in keeping with the IRL/Indy 500 theme, please use this as the base design for the Rescue/marshal cars.


Ignore the Command Vehicle, just bother with the Safety 1, 2, 3 blurb.


Question: Will there be someone in the commentary saying who the marshals are?
Quote from Dalek0220 :Question: Will there be someone in the commentary saying who the marshals are?

You just want a mention don't you!

You'll be in the credits

Now what shall I sign you up for?
anyone have the Kyoto 500 logo?
Quote from Zachary Zoomy :anyone have the Kyoto 500 logo?

Here it is

The logo on the skins should be the KY500 logo on a white oval - see the SC skin screenie. I have 'cut' the logo out - the bit you don't need is Alpha
Attached images
KY 500 logo.png
WIP Marshal car. I'll add the logo when I get a chance

EDIT: I thought I put purple on the skin? why is it blue?

the second one is a skin I made for a TC event. if you want one like that I can change it for you.
Attached images
Quote from Zachary Zoomy :
EDIT: I thought I put purple on the skin? why is it blue?

It is purple. Maybe its your eyes
its probibly this monitor
Quote from LFSn00b :Zoomy, ditch the RB4 logo.

Also i am recording the thing when i get time. Ofcourse someone else can do it too but just to notice.

I can do English commentary. I'll ask a friend if he cares to help. If not, I can go it alone. Not a big deal.

You don't happen to need Finnish commentary? We could then sell the broadcast to our "JIM" tv-channel. They'd pay you thousands, considering what crap they air now..
If I don't make the race I'll help with the corners.
I'll do a Kyoto 500 Summary as part of the LFSCART coverage. planned are 6 parts à 10 minutes. One part contains the qualifying session and the other 5 parts of the race. I'm searching someone who can commentate (for the whole season would be great but at least for the Kyoto 500 Summary, as I'm taking part). Sadly a coverage of these 4 hours of racing is not possible for me to make.

[OT] anyone interested in being the headadmin during LFSCART-races [/OT]