The online racing simulator
AUTOSIMSPORT is looking for you...
We at AUTOSIMSPORT have felt for some time that the LFS community has not been adequately represented in our magazine. To that end, we are conducting a search for a person or persons who would be interested in authoring a regular monthly column about LFS and what's happening in this vital community of sim racing enthusiasts.

If this sounds like something in which you'd be interested, please send me an email and we can discuss it further.

[email protected]
Nice one, sounds like the mag will get some more readers. Looking forward
I read AUTOSIMSPORT every month and i think its a great online magazine..keep up your good work..

More LFS in it..great idea..
#4 - avih
Quote from Richard Torp :@Bruce.
I read AUTOSIMSPORT every month and i think its a great online magazine..keep up your good work..

More LFS in it..great idea..

i second that. ASS is a very nice initiative indeed. keep up the good work
wow, this is great news indeed.

I rarely read the ASS magazine though, but I'm sure I'd watch it from now onwards.
Uhm... anyone up for thinking up another abbreviation?
#7 - ajp71
I read ASS every month as well, good to hear it'll be covering more LFS :thumbs:

Quote from bobvanvliet :Uhm... anyone up for thinking up another abbreviation?


It's a sim racing tradition (BREASTS and ARSE)
Quote from Bruce Saltzman :We at AUTOSIMSPORT have felt for some time that the LFS community has not been adequately represented in our magazine...

Its funny, as i've always thought the same thing. So its great that you are looking to rectifiy it.
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
#9 - ORION
Mm Vykos cant do ALL the work :P

Tristan is a good choice, additionally this will also keep the forum sql smaller :P
Good choice or not (I'm leaning on the latter), what the hell would I write about
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
lol if you dont know what to write, WHO should know then?
Quote from tristancliffe :Good choice or not (I'm leaning on the latter), what the hell would I write about

Quote from tristancliffe :Good choice or not (I'm leaning on the latter), what the hell would I write about

Well you have a very broad experience in the feel of the community , and I've noticed your quick to say you will pawn people on the track so I would think you would have a well rounded overall view of LFS and have alot you could write about

+1 for tristancliffe for the same reasons Orion sited
Yes this reads like interesting news.
Quote from thisnameistaken :I nominate Vykos!

Or Tristan!

I have to say that the response has been overwhelming for just the first day. However I have to admit I'm not surprised as the LFS community is one of passionate sim-racing enthusiasts. i'm also thinking that based on our desire for a monthly column dedicated to LFS, it might be a good idea to consider more then one individual. That way, no one person has to feel they're under pressure each month. Also, different points of view are always a good thing.

As far as what to write about, just keep it topical. The column is really not about racing leagues and race results. That information is generally found in the FILSCA section of the magazine. All FILSCA member leagues have those results posted on a monthly basis along with appropriate news items in the FILSCA News section. It's one of the perks provided for being a FILSCA member.

Take a look at some of the past issues to get an idea of what I mean when I say 'topical.' That should help you decided if this position is right for you.

Thanks again guys for the great responses. Let's get the LFS community a proper voice in AUTOSIMSPORT.
vykos or kemperman for league/racing stuff
lfsnews for news
don for movie/pics.
devs for interviews and info.
well what about simply having an LFS page rather than a single column, left open to several smaller articles from different writers, i'm sure that after one or two issues it would become clear the best way to go. and besides i don't think I could write a whole column myself but i might manage a few hundred words, and i got a feeling that many people would feel the same.

It might be nice to have a few angles rather than one but it also might be a pain for the editorial team

I could knock up a report on the ATC 60 lapper held on the 26th but thats the only thing (other than general spot racing) i'm involved in, would that be of interest since it's not a FILSCA event.
I think KiDCoDEa would do pretty well IMO.

There's a few more in my mind:
Gunn (if he's not too busy)
Bob Smith
i would say :
vykos (but he already has alot of work on his hands afaik )
def. don for pics/movies, hes a genius

the list could go on and on, but id say my top 3 choices would be :

if any of them are willing, then autosimsport would have good people writing their columns
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
#21 - JJ72
Um I think there're indeed quite a lot we can write about the LFS community, actually I think the whole mentality of people waiting for patches and argueing over stuffs such as customer rights is something very unique that could make some interesting and intelligent columns.

You know just as formula 1 isn't all about the action on track, the off track side of LFS is a cult of its own.
Just don't write any kitchen reports
Quote from KiDCoDEa :devs for interviews and info.

Not gonna happen.
How about me anyone voteing for me.
Quote from faster111 :How about me anyone voteing for me.

I can't even understand what you type so no I don't want you representing LFS!