
If possible we would like someone to produce a server-side InSim program to allow the following functionality ...

We want to be able to manually set the time that needs to elapse before the next race automatically starts and for that time to be displayed as a countdown for everyone to see. We would like any admin to be able to utilise this function. We would like the countdown timer to be near the top of the screen so as not to obscure the view of anyone practicing (see format below). The last 30 seconds of the countdown will see the countdown timer removed from the screen to be replaced by the standard RCM message for a race starting but with the timer counting down from 30. The race will automatically start at the end of those 30 seconds.

The available commands will be prefixed with a dollar sign.


Where x is the number of seconds before the next race automatically starts and can have a value between 60 and 600. This command has no effect if a countdown is already running. If a countdown is running any votes to restart or qualify are ignored by LFS and the 'Vote Cancelled' message is displayed.


This will pause/unpause the countdown timer. It has no effect if a countdown is not running. An additional flashing display will indicate that the countdown is paused.


This will cancel any countdowns and remove all displays from the screen. It has no effect if a countdown is not running.

The countdown timer display should contain some additional useful info and would ideally look like this:

Quote :The next race begins in: mm:ss Pitstop Required: Yes/No Wind:Yes/No Forced Cockpit View: Yes/No

If this program could also include the excellent 'Driver Briefing' function found in burnsy1882's lfsservercontrol then that would be an added bonus.

Here's hoping you can help. Thanks in advance.

Not sure why he didn't respond here but I was very pleased that dougie-lampkin took this project on and has provided a working app in very quick time.

Thanks Rob. Very much appreciated.