Imo there's also a bit truth in Nuse's words, Im not enjoying those renders with white background THAT much either. Ok, maybe it's because I do highly prefer dark colors as wallpaper (black mostly, maybe some blue/red in it), but anyhow it gets a bit boring because anyhow they all look the same - more or less.
It's true that many people here showed a nice improvement in their works, like tristan for example, and their renders look really great, but all in all - no matter if good or bad - those cars on white background look all the same in a way. Because they are all on white background
Yea, I have not rendered anything for like ages, and I have forgotten most stuff already. And yeah, Im actually a bloody noob - I have NEVER done any HDR render, I dont even know how to do this, and I have done 1 or 2 shadow test renders in vray - everything else is pure crappy scanline default render.
But if you ask me, you don't really need THAT much "3dsmax" skill to render some model into a photo. It's more about general imagination and "seeing skills". Really difficult to explain what I mean...
Well, you must learn to start seeing instead of watching, see and understand how lighting works, and try to imagine how it would work in your scene.
This is really difficult, but learnable

Like kidcodea says (who obviously simply rocks bigtime with all gfx stuff he does), its only work that stands between what you want and what you achieve.
In my renders, I have just placed some lights until it looked good :]
To get back to those "3dsmax" skills...
Nuse definetely got some nice models around, but I dont understand why he likes modeling more than making complete projects. It's always a good idea to complete things if you want to work as artist later. People will think you cant make it 'til the end otherwise.
I personally always need to finish something, otherwise it feels like "wasted time". Also, Im just curious as hell to see things evolving and developing
So, I think XCN's crits are not really some sort of moaning, it's rather the strange way an artist thinks

Maybe he has the same problem like me - finding things boring or even annoying if you see them too often.