Well, I'll let you all in on a little story.
During my first year of University (back in 2003), I lived in a house where I had a window above my bedroom door into the hallway. With people always being up/leaving lights on, I wanted to block the window up. Rather than be somewhat conventional and a poster, I stacked beer cans up on the little ledge instead, cutting the top ones so they'd fit. Now the idiot people I lived with thought it would be fun to destroy them one drunken evening, but saving the cans to build the little wall started something.
Come my second year at Uni, and a different house, I saved all my beer cans once again, with a plan to do something with them. That never happened, but I left all the beer cans in a cupboard in my bedroom that couldn't be reached without standing on a chair. After a year break, I moved back into the same house, and the cans were still there.
So, I spent another year collecting empty cans and came up with the idea - to build a chair from the cans. Or, as I like to call it, the beer throne.
Construction started on said throne back in June '07 but, after 4 hours glueing, I ran out of glue. Lacking motivation to buy more glue and finish it, the throne got left unfinished, and got damaged by people walking into the cans all over the place, and a subsequent house move didn't help either. A later attempt to repair the throne, having bought more glue, was halted by the glue gun trigger breaking.
Anyway, to conclude this story, the Saturday afternoon just gone I set about (with a little help) to repair and finish the damn thing, which took about another 4 hours.
So, may I present, this 136 beer can structure:

More photos can be found here: http://bmp.thefloatingwidget.net/photos/beerthrone/
During my first year of University (back in 2003), I lived in a house where I had a window above my bedroom door into the hallway. With people always being up/leaving lights on, I wanted to block the window up. Rather than be somewhat conventional and a poster, I stacked beer cans up on the little ledge instead, cutting the top ones so they'd fit. Now the idiot people I lived with thought it would be fun to destroy them one drunken evening, but saving the cans to build the little wall started something.
Come my second year at Uni, and a different house, I saved all my beer cans once again, with a plan to do something with them. That never happened, but I left all the beer cans in a cupboard in my bedroom that couldn't be reached without standing on a chair. After a year break, I moved back into the same house, and the cans were still there.

Construction started on said throne back in June '07 but, after 4 hours glueing, I ran out of glue. Lacking motivation to buy more glue and finish it, the throne got left unfinished, and got damaged by people walking into the cans all over the place, and a subsequent house move didn't help either. A later attempt to repair the throne, having bought more glue, was halted by the glue gun trigger breaking.
Anyway, to conclude this story, the Saturday afternoon just gone I set about (with a little help) to repair and finish the damn thing, which took about another 4 hours.
So, may I present, this 136 beer can structure:

More photos can be found here: http://bmp.thefloatingwidget.net/photos/beerthrone/