You need some serious help. How old are you? 12 maybe?
Let's get this straight.
1. You were racing on a server.
2. A race was over and you wanted it to be restarted.
3. Less than half the people on the server wanted it to be restarted.
4. Tweak was practicing but wasn't selfish enough to tell everyone not to restart because it doesn't matter to him despite the fact that he was putting in close-to-WR times. The fact that he didn't want to restart so he didn't vote makes him a c*nt.
5. People wouldn't restart for 10-20minutes so that makes them c*nts too for being so selfish and not considering what you want - if a minority of people on the server want the race restarted, why should it be restarted? Unless of course you are the most important person in the world, right?
6. The race wasn't restarted, and everyone on the server is such a c*nt for not restarting so here's an idea - "LET'S WRECK EVERYONE'S PRACTICE". No, not go to another server and race somewhere else - that's far too sensible and mature. "LET's WRECK. AND TO MAKE IT BETTER, LET'S CALL EVERYONE NAMES. THAT MAKES US MORE MATURE BECAUSE... OH WAIT I'M NOT MAKING ANY SENSE BUT I'M NOT MATURE ENOUGH TO REALISE THAT AND I'M TOO CLOSE MINDED FOR LOGIC TO LEAD ME TO THAT CONCLUSION." Anyone in their right mind would have ban.
7. You nailed Tweak head-on while he was practicing but because it's after a race it doesn't matter, right? Here's a thought - if someone is driving around a track and pushing hard, they might just be trying to practice to get a good time. So I'm sure they'd appreciate being wrecked, right? Tweak didn't even vote to ban you, despite the fact that you wrecked him on a good lap. Hell, if it was me I'd have voted to ban you for sure.
8. Eventually you got banned after asking for it in a million ways by behaving against generally accepted racer etiquette - bad language, wrecking etc.
9. And here at this point you get a real brain-wave and post on the forum and tell the whole community that they really suck with ass-backward arguements and then ask to get flamed, victimise yourself and whenever someone throws a good arguement at you, you just repeat what you said earlier despite the fact that it doesn't make any sense. But its the community's fault, right? Grow up or leave, the community will be better off without people like you.