The online racing simulator
Unlucky races
(58 posts, started )
Unlucky races
Post here your story of unlucky races! :banghead:

Well this happened to me:

I was racing at CTRA Single seaters 1, in bl gp..
I was just driving 3rd and making my new pb in the last lap..
Until my wheel got loose from my table, in the last two corners!
You know this feeling when this kind of things happends?
Feels so anoying :grumpy:
#2 - J@tko
I've probably posted this before.

On CTRA Race 1 - first day of getting S2, like my second race. South City Classic. I was winning by miles, and ran out of fuel on the last lap
haha, that happend to me on lap 470 of a 500 lap race, had to do last 30 laps pressing wheel down into my lap (I was lucky though, it was only the oval), so managed to remain in first
Quote from J@tko :Probably posted before.

On CTRA Race 1 - first day of getting S2, like my second race. South City Classic. I was winning by miles, and ran out of fuel on the last lap

I tried to search but didn't find..
Classical story
Quote from Tomba(FIN) :Post here your story of unlucky races!

Well this happened to me:

I was racing at CTRA Single seaters 1, in bl gp..

I was just driving 3rd and making my new pb in the last lap..

Until my wheel got loose from my table, in the last two corners!

You know this feeling when this kind of things happends?

Feels so anoying

I always have to laugh when this happens. It reminds me of that kid on the way home from school... who tried to do wheelies on his bicycle by pulling up on the handlebar... until the handlebar came loose... and he drove down into a small river, while steering with the handlebar in his hands in the air, trying to change the direction he was going.
#6 - J@tko
Quote from Tomba(FIN) :I tried to search but didn't find..

Ah, no - I meant that I've posted this before. I can't remember a 'Unlucky Races' thread
I got so many story's...but I'll mention one.

A endurace race at CTRA race 2, 21 laps BL1 with TBO class.
At lap 20 I`m currently leading, and when I cross the line when going from from 20-21 I belived I was done, so I did take the classic handbrake-fancy-bling-bling-finnish-and-then-wreck-my-car...when the 2th man suddently posted some pretty big "LOOOOOLLLzzz" when he passed my wrecked car.. Damn I was ashamed =(

The worst thing about this is that I have done this several times, it's not like an unique episode
Quote from The Very End :I got so many story's...but I'll mention one.

A endurace race at CTRA race 2, 21 laps BL1 with TBO class.
At lap 20 I`m currently leading, and when I cross the line when going from from 20-21 I belived I was done, so I did take the classic handbrake-fancy-bling-bling-finnish-and-then-wreck-my-car...when the 2th man suddently posted some pretty big "LOOOOOLLLzzz" when he passed my wrecked car.. Damn I was ashamed =(

The worst thing about this is that I have done this several times, it's not like an unique episode

I've done that a few times in pick up races. Got so carried away and being bored of being upfront, cross the line and handbrake into a safe place. Everyone passes and laughs, and I'm sat there confused until I look at the lap counter.

Other than that, it's usually someone putting me off, asking me to look at something mid race. Even someone talking to me puts me off sometimes. No truly memorable races lost from that though.
Happens to me aswell from time to time...
Or it`s allways the classic, your trying to type something and then you wreck someone while trying to say sorry to the first man you wrecked.
been there...done that..a lot of times
#11 - 5haz
I have to run two old wheels as one has a working wheel and broken pedals and the other has working pedals etc...

Unfortunately one of my USB ports is a bit dodgy, and sometimes my pedals disconnect, I was leading an FBM race at Blackwood and the pedals diconnected while I was a full throttle on the back staight, so the power jammed full open and I had no brakes so I slammed into the wall at the end.
Done this so many times I've lost count.
  • Final lap.
  • Comfortable gap to the next driver. Obviously, as it's me we are talking about, this happens nowhere near the front.
  • "Let's take this lap easy and be sure to finish."
  • BANG! Right into the wall!
Quote from March Hare :Done this so many times I've lost count.
  • Final lap.
  • Comfortable gap to the next driver. Obviously, as it's me we are talking about, this happens nowhere near the front.
  • "Let's take this lap easy and be sure to finish."
  • BANG! Right into the wall!

Happened me 3times today after my wheel got loose from table.. :hbomb:
I don't know if this counts as unlucky or not but i'll post it anyway. I was in 2nd on bnj last lap in the rb4 i run out of fuel. the layout had quite a larger jump across the barriers. But instead of leaving me for dead the guy in 3rd sacrifices 2nd place and starts to push ne round the track. When we got to the jump i thought oh shit this is the end luckly he lagged just a tiny bit and it sped my car up enough to clear the jump. the back wheels just scraped the barrier. So i finished in 2nd thanks to him.
I want to get rid of rammers! I can't even start race anymore because of them.. finished only 9/20 races today because of these.


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Quote from Tomba(FIN) :I want to get rid of rammers! I can't even start race anymore because of them.. finished only 9/20 races today because of these.



Vote with your feet. Change server.
Quote from Tomba(FIN) :I want to get rid of rammers! I can't even start race anymore because of them.. finished only 9/20 races today because of these.



That's just typical back of the grid driving on the CTRA 1. Normally you can just put in a clean lap and move yourself sufficently up the grid to be away from those idiots. He clearly knows he's in the wrong, just disconnecting without even bothering to apologise/argue your case is rather weak. It would have been better if you just reported him rather than posting here though.
meh, you dont probaply care about demoers bad race but i were winning 20 lap race in blackwood and the car were fbm. In last 3 corners pf the track someone tryen to overtake me and gave a bump to my right front wheel and suddenly the wheel didnt work and as the same the car didnt steer to the another direction very much, so at the last chicane of bl1gb i steered to going out of it and then the car didnt steer, i drove straight to the wall and spinned and broke my clutch... Oh, and the accident that wheel gets out of my table is happened many times for me too
Quote from The Very End :I got so many story's...but I'll mention one.

A endurace race at CTRA race 2, 21 laps BL1 with TBO class.
At lap 20 I`m currently leading, and when I cross the line when going from from 20-21 I belived I was done, so I did take the classic handbrake-fancy-bling-bling-finnish-and-then-wreck-my-car...when the 2th man suddently posted some pretty big "LOOOOOLLLzzz" when he passed my wrecked car.. Damn I was ashamed =(

The worst thing about this is that I have done this several times, it's not like an unique episode

Its bad enough that you think 21 laps of Blackwood in the TBO class is an endurance race! Try doing 60, which is what I was doing in the XFR in an ATC GP. I had joined to fill up a space and had done no practice at all, I joined at the back of the grid too. So off I went and got into a mini pile up on the first lap, limped to the pits and made my manditory pitstop repairing at the same time. From that point on I was a man on a mission, 58 laps on R2 tyres and I was in a comfortable 3rd when entering the last lap my front right tyre blew. I limped around and would of finished 5th if my other front tyre didn't go on the second to last corner, leaving my stuck in the gravel and getting a DNF.

The happy ending is that the next GP at that track I was in the same situation with the FXO, I won the race by a mile having started last on the grid again.
well i was in the volvolandia lx race today and just started race i strated las t as i didnt qualify at all (i was 24th) gained to 14th when this idiot just whacked my r/l wheel and span me totally off the road making me last.
on CTRA Race 1, I start dead last and after the whole T1 drama, manage to be holding a decent 7th place for about 10 laps until you start lapping people with worn out tires. Some people are impolite and gets you a nudge just enough to send you sideways straight into a barrier.
I was leading a race but of course the dickweeds getting lapped had to try and race 2 wide through the bus stop chicane at SO in front of me. You get the picture...
Quote from ATC Quicksilver :Its bad enough that you think 21 laps of Blackwood in the TBO class is an endurance race! Try doing 60, which is what I was doing in the XFR in an ATC GP. I had joined to fill up a space and had done no practice at all, I joined at the back of the grid too. So off I went and got into a mini pile up on the first lap, limped to the pits and made my manditory pitstop repairing at the same time. From that point on I was a man on a mission, 58 laps on R2 tyres and I was in a comfortable 3rd when entering the last lap my front right tyre blew. I limped around and would of finished 5th if my other front tyre didn't go on the second to last corner, leaving my stuck in the gravel and getting a DNF.

The happy ending is that the next GP at that track I was in the same situation with the FXO, I won the race by a mile having started last on the grid again.

But they call it endurance And I never have entered an endurace race, the longest race I have raced is a 100-lap race at Oval back in time.

But damn man, didn`t you feel like wanting to kill someone when you was stucked in the gravel on last corner?
I was driving 3rd in Conedodgers in the last lap, but i forgot to put my charger into my laptop. So suddenly my laptop went in standby mode
I was once racing at some GTR server, in the 9th of 10 laps, when my sister at the other PC got the idea of copying all my music onto that PC via network, resulting in a sudden fps-drop at my end, counter went to 2.3 for half a minute, but I had already crashed when it went back to normal.:chair:

Unlucky races
(58 posts, started )