A Few Good Hosts,

The Original LFS is looking for a few good hosts (Part time).

Host Duties:

1) Arrive Early
2) Set server to OLFSL Specs/Instruction File/Stats/Host *(PDF)
*file available on request.

If you think you have what it takes to become a host, we'd love to hear from you.

e-mail [email protected]

All Servers will run Patch "U35 and higher" this next season.

/per Original LFS League
A host can race too or not ?
No way to host and race at the same time really, you have to observe the actions of others, but,

Thanks for your interest.

If you could spare some time after you raced, we'd love to have you onboard Gc.

4:40pm here..Icy as Frozen Cow Snot outside.

Let the celebrations begin.

Happy New Year.

/per ANT...lol
Isn't too bad. But not as easy as it looks!

So be warned hahaha!
Quote from GianniC :A host can race too or not ?

To be more exact, you can't race simultaneously but you can race on that event. We just need to schedule your hosting and racing accordingly.
on that note hosting two races then driving, or a combination of both, prepare to get bored too :-)
Hmm I'd surely like to help, problem is I don't have every sunday the same amount of free time (parents, school, unforseen things,...).

So, if you can find someone else who at anytime can replace me I can help you guys, if that can't be done I'm afraid I won't be able to help.

My life just isn't a routine and even if I plan things most of the time things come in between ect...
We're pretty flexible, we usually ask who can host a few days before an event.

So can we put you down as a back-up?
I didn't want to make it sound boring. But, hosting means a lot of watching, and that in itself, is not as easy as it sounds when you're used to racing only
i know my dad has an old he says . very very Veeery faast and good server
it was jused to Quake in the old times .. anyway drop me a pm and ill contact him !
I think the confusion between OLFSL race hosting and server hosting has happened again. When OLFSL wants hosts, we mean people who, start, watch and control the race. We're not currently in need of servers, though the offer is appreciated.
I can host and review replays for sure in case of accidents, but for live hosting and taking care of things I'll have to resign, I won't be able to do it every race so better then letting other people do it.
Put me down for a few
We're covered
Thanks to all who applied, we're good for hosting now.

Hosts will be trained, we (OLFSL) will back each and everyone of them.

Read the rules, obey them, n/p.

Buckle Up!

Watch for "Join Season" to open soon.

Can a host commentate on the race he/she is hosting?
depends on what you mean by commentate. If you mean type messages to the racers, then yes, if necessary, they can.

If you mean for the OLFSLtv, then as I am the only one doing that, then yes If i'm hosting I may be commentating for the stream at the same time, as they don't really conflict as I have to sit and watch the race anyways.
OLFSL needs You!
Quote from AtomAnt :A Few Good Hosts,

The Original LFS is looking for a few good hosts (Part time).

Host Duties:

1) Arrive Early
2) Set server to OLFSL Specs/Instruction File/Stats/Host *(PDF)
*file available on request.

If you think you have what it takes to become a host, we'd love to hear from you.

e-mail [email protected]

All Servers will run Patch "U35 and higher" this next season.

/per Original LFS League

Races keep growing, we need Hosts.

Training is in the month break coming up,(MAR), sign up today to help OLFSL be all you want it to be..

Lets break 168 drivers for one OLFSL event, true to what I said, each race hotlap will see the WR fall........we're 2 for 2.

if its urgent and you dont have a host then you can call on me if you wish. Would like to be down as a standby rather than a #1 though.
Thanks Franky
Quote from franky500 :if its urgent and you dont have a host then you can call on me if you wish. Would like to be down as a standby rather than a #1 though.

Yup we run STATS 1.49. Hosts are expected to review there pools for infractions (By OLFSL host pack)...info like PPS 3 and such, also upload replays ASAP.

I think we might break a record for stats and MPR's this week(FAST), but some may be under review.

But what A nice offer.

I'll relay this to our pool Manager Tessu.


Thanks for your offer but until we see 200 racers we're fine
if you guys give me a list of details of what it intails and i think i can do it i will Ant..
Hi there.

Can I be like a host informant car or something? like I would drive around keeping a watch on the racers. How does that sound?
BTW I am soon getting S2 so don't worry