another steering problem (G25)
well.. I have a problem that started 2 days ago.. befor that it was all fine..

when Im driving and turning 100% "left" on my g25, the ingame wheels is only turning 70%.

when Im standing still and turn 100% "left" on my g25, the ingame wheels turning 100%.

its hard to explain so I took a pic on the problem:


I use 900 degrees and I have fixed it in both lfs and my g25 profile.

dose any1 know the problem ?? its driving me nuts..

Your screen says : 2 kontroller hittades ??

Does that mean you have 2 controllers connected ?? that could be the problem. I've had this problem before.

i've uploaded a pic of my wheel settings here . it's a dutch version, but it has other value's at rattutslag etc.
in the settings he have both steering wheel and joystick connected... Remove 1.
naah.. it worked befor.. the thing is that I use a home made usb handbrake.. so I need both.. ^^

@Jamz: yea.. I thought that was something like that.. steering help.. but how the hell do I turn it off.. =S I dont remember that I have put something like that on.. =P

#5 - G!NhO

Mr.PinkDrifter :P
well.. problem solve.. I reinstalled LFS and the problem was gone.. thx anyway.. =)
