The online racing simulator
Guess the movie
(643 posts, started )
Quote from chanoman315 :Capricorn One?

We have a winner (apparently Sam didn't want to post a pic of a new movie).

Note the picture I grabbed is the same as the one for the videos link in the imdb reference.

It's actually a pretty good movie, with a lot of well known actors and actresses for it's time.
Quote from DeadWolfBones :Thread rules say no. 2000 or earlier.

i dont know of 2000 or earlier... i was born in 92 ... only star wars, rocky, and rambo... and there you goo....

ok the first to post a pic wins
If you insist.

Try this one out, should be easy.
Um, Cube?
Was also done earlier in the thread.

Here we go:

Quote from DeadWolfBones :Was also done earlier in the thread.

Oops, I didn't realise.

As for the new pic, it's not Repo Man is it?
Seems like you get another go.

Easier than easy!
Should be "The Shawshank Redemption"
The Shawshank Redemption?

Note to self: press submit before opening a new tab.
have fun, and as it's such a nice day: 2 pics at once...

Is it possible to get any smaller pics? They are so huge i have problems fitting them on my screen...
Quote from jibber :Is it possible to get any smaller pics? They are so huge i have problems fitting them on my screen...

Don't click on the clickable thumbnails which enlarge the image if you click on them and it should be okay I think.

Is that a Cohen brothers film?
Quote from jibber :Is it possible to get any smaller pics? They are so huge i have problems fitting them on my screen...

better now?


not that I knew
Thats a tough one, but i had that same stripy black and white wall paper in my bedroom as a youth, so i'm guessing it's from the early to mid 80's, if that helps anyone ?.
Quote from Mazz4200 :so i'm guessing it's from the early to mid 80's, if that helps anyone ?.

Quote from beefyman666 :Indeed it is The Shawshank Redemption. Probably the greatest film, ever.

Why is that? I've seen it, few years ago. But I don't think I was very impressed. Why is it so good? I'll check it out again soon..
Quote from three_jump :wrong.

Well if ColeusRattus was correct then it was at least set in that time period (nearly). 1979 is almost in the 80's, and i guess i've always been a few years behind the fashion

But, as DWB hinted at, a 2006 movie ain't allowed . The OP PineFin only wanted pre 2000 films, and you don't wanna make him angry, you won't like him when he's angry

runs away........

edit: too late, nevermind...
as i am not at home right now, i'll post a pic tomorrow.

Guess the movie
(643 posts, started )