If the car is floating (downloading the video) the problem is not about gravity when the car is on the track, it's a problem with the gravity
when the car doesn't touch the ground. There was also one post at RSC which made me really think wtf.:
check it. Is it a value defined in the mod or is he actually suggesting what I fear he is...?
Before you can actually show any scientific stuff about accelerations and velocities in any sim you need to know how and what values are being calculated and combined in that value you are looking at. Example: the acceleration value. Does it only include the x and y components or is the z component also in it? What about accelerations caused by car/wheel rotation?
So instead of simple
a = sqr((ax)2 + (ay)2)
it can be:
a = sqr((ax)2 + (ay)2 + (az)2) + (v2 / r)
sqr = square root (hope I'm using the right terms...)
(ax)2 = acceleration to x(/y/z)-direction without the acceleration caused by rotation
v = 2 * PI * n * r = velocity of the point which is rotating around a center point, at the distance of an r.
n = rotations per second (the car...) You can also have the three (x,y,z) vectors here, but it just makes it more complicated without showing anything new or interesting. (the car rotates around the axles, around x-axle, around y... and these would be summed in similar way as the accelerations above.
v2 = v * v = velocity * velocity
(all vectors)
I need to look at the F1perf's values...
EDIT: after looking at those videos it just seems that the aero model does only care about the forces that point directly against the car's nose (drag). And the gravity doesn't accelerate the car when it's dropping down, the velocity seems to be constant. Which it isn't. I expected much worse, like the cars sliding in the air or something (phew).