I m driving tonight on server alone.It is always be yellow flag on me and while i m racing i m been in one moment in spectating mode it is shows idle on track too long.And i cant race because that
I now but UF-BR is usually empty and always there drive me and maximum 5 racers now i m on UF-BR and nly driving 2guys and me and there is too little points when is driving too little racers
Just one of those things I'm afraid. Race 3 is the same most of the time, and it's these cars I want to race most at the moment
There is talk of the Baby-R Mayhem Cup thingy kicking off again, maybe this would increase the amount of people using the CTRA server.
Wait and see I suppose.
I actually kind of agree with DU on this one... when UFbR went to Bronze only it made sense at the time, since the server was usually packed full. But pretty soon the novelty wore off and it died down. It might be worth trying making it unrestricted again, just to see how it goes.
I don't care about the points there, but those cars are just a lot more fun with a good field.
Nahh, Bronze is a fair target to work for. Bronze means you're committed to the CTRA and what it's about, and you have a decent amount of experience as well.
If we let people in with 50 points, we'd have the same problems we had when we let everyone in.. and in case anyone's forgotten, it was pretty bad.
yh 50 is a bit low, well bronze is 500 isnt it so why not 250-300 it shows they are commited and if i remember most of the problems were cos of the really new drivers, but i can see your point although it would help interest in the ufbr server
oh i thought it was 500 lol, but the time it takes depends on luck cos if your on race 1 and get punted off every/most races it takes ages, but like you said 300 'shouldnt' take that long