The online racing simulator
[MPR2UBB] - Your multiplayer replays converted to a results table
Hello there,

I created this program initially for internal team usage, in order to keep everyone in the team updated about the league race results of every member. But by adding a variable here and there, the application should now be useful for other teams or league administrators too, so that's why the post here.

What this program does, is create a results table for any of your multiplayer replays in your replay folder - with one click of the mouse button. Another click of the mouse copies the table to the clipboard and sends you straight to your team's or league's forum. Now all you have to do is paste the table in the empty post field and click submit!

So if you're a league administrator, you can post race results fast and easy. If you're a team owner who likes to know what's going on in all the leagues your members are competing, you can distribute this small application to every one of them and tell them to post the results after a race. And finally the program can be used when you just like to see the results of a certain multiplayer replay fast and easy.

On MPR2UBB features a few options:
- Display various race result parameters:
- The start grid
- The car of the drivers
- The license name of the drivers
- The fastest lap time of the drivers
- The number plate of the drivers
- Penalties for the drivers
- Amount of pitstops per driver
- The handicap mass onboard
- The intake restriction
- Emphasise team members in the race results (using CAPITAL letters)

Please note that for the last option an LFS World IdentKey is necessary, since the team data is retrieved from the LFS World Team database. You can generate an IdentKey here. If you leave the team name field empty, no drivers will be emphasised.

Examples of output can be found on for example the league section of our team forum: here. (edit: or in the post below)

I attached some screenshots so you can see the interface.

File: MPR2UBB.rar (134kb)
Requires .NET Framework 2.0

If there are any questions or problems, please let me know. Hope you find it useful!


EDIT: forgot to mention that the application doesn't support any disconnects during e.g. an endurance race. If disconnections are dealt with by an external tracker, this application will show the wrong race results.
Attached images
Attached files
MPR2UBB.rar - 134.4 KB - 487 views
Output example:

6-3-2008 20:23
International eTM Race 1
» Aston GP - FZ50 GTR
» 1 hour

Race results

1 Marco Schade FZ50 GTR 23 laps
2 N. Naujoks FZ50 GTR +00:01.77
3 Raymond Mooney FZ50 GTR +00:06.14
4 Sebastian Seybold FZ50 GTR +00:10.86
5 Johannes Scheuerle FZ50 GTR +00:18.60
6 Hendrik von Eye FZ50 GTR +00:21.95
7 THOMAS ARENDS FZ50 GTR +00:23.95
8 Dennis May FZ50 GTR +00:26.88
9 Miloš Miljković FZ50 GTR +00:28.59
10 Vincent Staal FZ50 GTR +00:31.90
11 Daniel Heim FZ50 GTR +00:33.46
12 Nikifor Djaković FZ50 GTR +00:39.78
13 Rudi Reinkort FZ50 GTR +00:45.91
14 David Williams FZ50 GTR +01:25.80

Nice work René, well done.

Added to my Useful LFS Stuff folder
Updated the first post with a working version for patch Z!
EDIT: And re-uploaded with a small fix for the use of capitals in license names.