The online racing simulator
What would it take or cost?
(39 posts, started )
Quote from aoun :Yeh, requires a different driving style, like the Ford GT for eg.

The bigger question you'd have to ask if another MR was put in LFS is, what sort of performance would it have?

Another MR in LRF wouldn't be great, so how about something for the STD or TBO? STD would be more new shape mk3 MR2esque, and TBO would be more mk2 MR2esque.

And maybe a slightly more powerful, slicked version to add competition to the small GTR's.

OT: I have to agree with the phallic remark about your avatar. It does look funny from a quick glance.
#27 - aoun
Hahaha nah i agree. You should see my signature :P

its just cAoun,you could guess what the c and the o are when they are next to the A. Ill draw one up, scan it and upload it :P.

Anyways half back on topic, I think a powerful super car maybe something around the NSX or GT would be good for the GTR class and something like an MR2 like you said in the lower classed cars.
It depends.

Some of the car manufacturers let their cars be put in Gran Turismo for free as they thought of it as free advertising.

But I think that LFS should have cars from smaller manufactorers. The Atom for example would be excellent.
#29 - aoun
Agreed. Id hate seeing Nissan, Ferrari, Porsche, Dodge, Subaru etc all in LFS. Race teams id like, small companies too. RL Tracks would be good, only to 100% accuracy.
Personally I think it would be nice if the Devs did send a few e-mails round to real motorsport suppliers/typical sponsers and gradually replaced LFSs fictional brands with real ones seeing as the textures need updating anyway.
Quote from aoun :Aswell goes with the Race teams. Say the Devs thought, Ok, we want The V8 Supercar Vodafone Racing Ford Falcon car in LFS.

Well, for a start they wouldn't bother puttin a bloody Ford in teh game, they'd go straight to HRT and go, can we put your sexy VE Commodore in please?


P.S. Failing that, the Coupe 60 would be nice.
Quote from Damo74 :Well, for a start they wouldn't bother puttin a bloody Ford in teh game, they'd go straight to HRT and go, can we put your sexy VE Commodore in please?


P.S. Failing that, the Coupe 60 would be nice.

I second that! We do need some sort of V8 saloon car. Wether it be a Road or Race car.
Love the Coupe 60.Looks awesome to drive.
#34 - aoun
Damo74 mate, I'm a huge Ford fan, i saw that car in a magazine last night and i went in shock . WHY couldn't FPV produce something as sexy as that!!!

Ah well, immaculate car, thats for sure.
Picking up from something SamH said, if anyone should be looking for ideas or wishes to approach anyone, Farbio may be interested, considering their size. Arguably though the vehicles they produce are similiar to others already in-game.

I could probably think of a quite few other companies as well. What I'm trying to say is that there are plenty out there who might be interested in mutual agreements, however finding ones who will actually agree on terms that the developers are happy with may well take a lot of time to nuture and develop a relationship with. This could naturally mean that one of the team might need to take time out from working on LFS.

At the end of the day you can't have everything you want all at once
Quote from SamH :The way it's worked to-date has been mutual benefit, not exchange of money. The BF1 was permitted in LFS because it enabled the travelling Intel pit-park thing. The FBM is an arrangement with BMW and V1. The MRT similarly with McGill people and also the RAC with Helsinki Poly.

Real brands in LFS are also included by arrangement, not by purchased licencing. That's the essence of the relationships so far.

I think once the devs start to properly advertise LFS we would see many more teams interested in having a car in the game. I'm not thinking of Honda, Toyota or any big names, but lots of independant outfits who perhaps can't afford a lot of testing or advertising. Like the RAC and MRT, we already saw one guy who is interested.
If eric has been overwhelmed with doing gtr cockpits and one car, plus a few track tweaks for 2 years, then a whole new car will take at least a year

*insert grains of salt*
caprio might be a good bet. I would kill to have a caprio t1 in lfs that would even challange the fbm and fox it might even challange the f08.
Gumpert might be a good bet to.

And ascari these are quite small maufacturers even if people have heard of them they don't get buissness like lambo or ferrari.

Oh yeah and an auto union style car might be a good idea.

What would it take or cost?
(39 posts, started )