Hello Everybody
DFC server (Danish Fun Cruisers) http://www.danishfuncruisers.tk
We need a insim and in that chase we/me the moderator
Have desided to make a contest a insim contest
What the winner gets:
1.The winner will get his insim on the DFC server
2.he will get a price money
3. some money on the server
you will add your intrest in this tread
the contest starts when i say so! and at the conest start i will upload a txt that says what the insim have to include:
just to make people intressted:
!buy (car) – Buy a new car ( SiourX bought a FXO)
!sell (car) – Sell a car (SiourX sold his FXO)
!insim – Show Insim Developer
!rent (car)
the price money i tink i have settled but give me a shout what is a fear price
and i will have a juge panel of 5 people that juges the insim so it will be fear
Hello Everybody

DFC server (Danish Fun Cruisers) http://www.danishfuncruisers.tk
We need a insim and in that chase we/me the moderator
Have desided to make a contest a insim contest

What the winner gets:
1.The winner will get his insim on the DFC server

2.he will get a price money

3. some money on the server

you will add your intrest in this tread

the contest starts when i say so! and at the conest start i will upload a txt that says what the insim have to include:
just to make people intressted:
!buy (car) – Buy a new car ( SiourX bought a FXO)
!sell (car) – Sell a car (SiourX sold his FXO)
!insim – Show Insim Developer
!rent (car)
the price money i tink i have settled but give me a shout what is a fear price

and i will have a juge panel of 5 people that juges the insim so it will be fear
