The online racing simulator
InSim - Detect Client Side Reset?
Is there a certain packet which can detect when a user resets their InSim (shift+i) - Right now all the buttons disappear once someone does (until they pit).

Because createButtons is sent out when NPL is detected.

Any help would be appreciated.

Shift+I is designed to remove or request the host to readd buttons (it's not an "insim reset"), so them disappearing is expected. If they press shift+i again to reshow them you'll get an IS_BFN where the SubT (4th byte) will be set to one of the following;
enum // the fourth byte of IS_BFN packets is one of these
BFN_DEL_BTN, // 0 - instruction : delete one button (must set ClickID)
BFN_CLEAR, // 1 - instruction : clear all buttons made by this insim instance
BFN_USER_CLEAR, // 2 - info : user cleared this insim instance's buttons
BFN_REQUEST, // 3 - user request : SHIFT+B or SHIFT+I - request for buttons

// NOTE : BFN_REQUEST allows the user to bring up buttons with SHIFT+B or SHIFT+I

// SHIFT+I clears all host buttons if any - or sends a BFN_REQUEST to host instances