The online racing simulator
Quote from Hankstar :Squid-navigated Ferrari rally car. 9000hp (it's a big squid) eight-turbo X-32 12L engine, 4WD, neutral downforce. That's Schuey driving it.

wont stand a chance against my lightweight 1200hp bear pit on wheels
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Quote from z3r0c00l :

cute but it would just fall over and cry if it came across the mobile tilke corner (with ferrari f40 wheels)
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#29 - Vain
Or probably those "spoilers so I can drift":
nah, the hatchibashirokku already suggested

This is a design competition
What I winned?
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" alt="" onload="imageAutoSize(this)" />this one im made for 18wos haulin(s15 driftcar)
Now, I'll actually try and make a contribution to this thread.

I think that there are people who are willing enough and talented enough to assist - carefully selected community produced content (note : not modding) in LFS would be good IMO.
this is my entry a tank.
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well I was thinking about that - why dont devs show us one new car, lets say, a year - quite a promotional stuff, heh ?

For there are 2 key issues I think - balancing, when Scawen was founded a go in VBM class he was keen to make one in LFS and he was not forced to balance it with another car, which is pain in a%$ as I observe (balancing on the servers doesnt work whats disappointng )

And second one is layout - I really cannot think about one we dont have, maybe one with gearbox placed at rear - it is just minor thing with weight-balance to notice, maybe more accurate power/torque curves will make a difference (but more pain in a%$ with balancing) between different cars. Well such a layout is not a big constraint in a contest, but I think good one to consider.
Quote from Hankstar :Squid-navigated Ferrari rally car. 9000hp (it's a big squid) eight-turbo X-32 12L engine, 4WD, neutral downforce. That's Schuey driving it.

This is suck This Is Suck THIS IS SUCK!!!!!!!11!!

If it looks a lot like a real car, it's only your imagination
Quote from hrtburnout :This is suck This Is Suck THIS IS SUCK!!!!!!!11!!

If it looks a lot like a real car, it's only your imagination

Oi why are you stealing the design of enzo ferrari with the fabulous testatosser. lol read closer.

i don't mean you are a tosser it's a joke lol. Just incase you take offence. And i don't know how to spell testarosser?
Quote from de Souza :But this one isn't

Nice one

The photoshoped one is awesome too :P Funny stuff.
Sounds like a good idea..

But can this come true??
This is my WIP
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ArtRage 2 for drawing the sketch (I attach a screenie) and then Photoshop for painting
I am still a newbie, I have to improve a lot
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only side view but better than nothing
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