See where you are banned from
(14 posts, started )
See where you are banned from
I have no idea what servers i banned from.
And i would like to see.
Can we add this?
Push a button like says: see all the servers you ae banned from
Then all servers you are banned from appears and no one else
The solution is:

behave on the servers.

Take a pen and paper and click through all the servers. Then you'll see.
Quote from breadfan :Take a pen and paper and click through all the servers. Then you'll see.

The servers you are banned from do not appear on the in-game list, afaik.
Quote from NotAnIllusion :The servers you are banned from do not appear on the in-game list, afaik.

Yes they do appear...
Quote from aroX123 :Can we add this?

Hopefully not. If you're banned from a reputable, popular server, it's probably for good reason.

If you're banned from another server because some idiots vote banned you, or the admin is immature or rash, then you're probably better off without it.
#7 - Noccy
If u have been banned from so many servers that u can't even remember which ones, there is something (lots of things) u are doing seriously wrong.
But going by your forumbehaviour it doesn't really surprise me, at all.

In 5 years I haven't been banned from one single S2 server, like most users.
Quote from Noccy :
In 5 years I haven't been banned from one single S2 server, like most users.

I'm sure most of S2 players have been banned from redline. I haven't though.
I know exactly where I am banned from: From nowhere!
I've only ever been banned once on a demo server, the childish admin wanted to drag race me down the back straight, when I said no, he threatened to ban me so I said ok. Then he tried to act like he's pro or something and told me to move ahead a car lenght, I said no and got banned.

I really expect alot more from S2, and I take sim racing seriously, so when I buy it, I shoulden't get banned once.
OP: in my experience, if you behave you won't get banned from any decent servers Do you actually get banned so often that you forget where you're banned from? Maybe you should adjust your behaviour
(Tc4racer) DELETED by SamH : Cross-posting is not acceptable on this forum
I must say I am banned from 2 race servers permanently (1 because of a hacker and 2 because I was rammed into an administrator).
Quote from Hankstar :OP: in my experience, if you behave you won't get banned from any decent servers

I consider your experience partial, just as mine. In my experience I have been banned just for speaking my mind in this forum, just as a lot of people did, just because I asked a team to do the right thing and admit their admin screwed up badly and acted like a spoiled brat. All the other spoiled brats jumped on me, even disturbing me with private messages (you gotta love the cowardice).

Not all people are decent, so not all admins are decent people. I got used to it.

See where you are banned from
(14 posts, started )