is this a bug? [yes]
(18 posts, started )
is this a bug? [yes]
i was racing and i noticed
Do u see the difference? (not at car)
Attached images
be pavadinimo1.JPG
be pavadinimo.JPG
Should have used PAINT and made some red circles, where's the difference, because I can't see nothing right now...or I am just stupid...
The colours are different on the red/yellow barriers. Yes, I suppose that must be a bug, although I haven't tried it on my computer to see if the same thing happens.

Can you reproduce it easily? If you can, and can explain how, then Scawen can fix it [easily, probably].
it happens every time i drive near that barrier, from inside u can not see any difference because it is brighter than view from out side the car , but if u press F in out side view u will notice that red color gets brighter.
Map : fern bay black
It may be a bug, or just a graphical corruption on your computer.
But if i'm to be honest its very minor to post on here
then i have this corruption on my system as well as with different graphicboards (x700pro and x1950pro).
always the red/yellow barriers while driving them by.

happens to me too
This happens to me too; as I drive towards them they are bright red, and as I pass them they get dim. I actually like the effect, it's like headlights reflecting off those shiny leaves on the side of the road that warn you of a corner.
I always thought it was reflective tape or paint
Quote from NathanRx-7 :It may be a bug, or just a graphical corruption on your computer.
But if i'm to be honest its very minor to post on here

That's complete nonsense. Firstly what is a 'graphical corruption'? Even if something is wrong with his graphics card/LFS install it's highly unlikely that removing an object is going to spontaneously change the shading on another object unless there's some kind of bug in the software. Secondly, no it's not a major bug but it is the kind of little thing that should be reported here, something that can be fixed and if not kept on top of will produce a buggy piece of software with lots of features that shouldn't have been added until the bugs were fixed, we've seen plenty of games and race sims fall down this route before.
Quote from MVshaW :to me, honestly, it looks like a photoshop. if u open both of the pic links and flick back and forth from the pics, u will see the car in the exact same position, just "f" has been pressed to show force, therefor he has not drove away, and back again, and secondly,the very little of the red barrier u can see on the far left, does not change colour. sounds silly, but i think its a photoshop, for reasons i dont no. just look at the points i made and see that its a reasonable conclusion.


Or he pasued it, took a screenshot, then added an object and took another screenshot, to show the the bug occurs without camera position changes...

That's how I see it anyway. When you get access to objects maybe you can try this too!
Quote from MVshaW :to me, honestly, it looks like a photoshop. if u open both of the pic links and flick back and forth from the pics, u will see the car in the exact same position, just "f" has been pressed to show force, therefor he has not drove away, and back again, and secondly,the very little of the red barrier u can see on the far left, does not change colour. sounds silly, but i think its a photoshop, for reasons i dont no. just look at the points i made and see that its a reasonable conclusion.


I think the bug is that the colours change when you press f? Who knows, I don't really care. Is long as I don't fly 200ft up in the air when I hit it it, I'm fine.
Sorry, I was thinking of another topic!!!

What he did was turn on/off forces view to cause this. That can be done with the game paused, and therefore would show the same frame, and hence the screenshot would be from the same place.
Tried on Y18.Works.. Same problem on all Yellow orange things...
When i near with car,then it goes Red.
It couldn't have been paused, it's online
You don't have to be driving all the time. You can stop, and put on the handbrake.
Quote from MVshaW :to me, honestly, it looks like a photoshop. if u open both of the pic links and flick back and forth from the pics, u will see the car in the exact same position, just "f" has been pressed to show force, therefor he has not drove away, and back again, and secondly,the very little of the red barrier u can see on the far left, does not change colour. sounds silly, but i think its a photoshop, for reasons i dont no. just look at the points i made and see that its a reasonable conclusion.


Have u even tried that? Ohh u cant :P so if u didnt tried that u better dont say anything
This bug also works on patch V, I was playing with Tweak earlier and stopped by that area and pressed F, low and behold the barrier colour started changing. And strangely it changes to the same colour as the red force arrow/bar thing.

So it's not a new bug, it's just not been discovered before.

Anyone with older patches see if it did it on them?

is this a bug? [yes]
(18 posts, started )