Quote from JTbo :

Bloody every online game I have played where is able to chat, there has been situations where middle of chatting someone tells that he is gay and blaa blaa blaa, I'll say it is a bloody problem that needs to be taken care of.


Inferno chat :hide:
JTbo needs a ban, unfortunately.
Quote from DeadWolfBones :JTbo needs a ban, unfortunately.

I can't ban him. I really, really fancy JTbo. I just wanna kiss him all over.

I love the way violence doesn't bother him, but homosexuality does. I can't even begin to fathom how he's wired up in there.
He's homophobic, it's not his fault. Homophobia is an irrational fear.. like chronomentrophobia, which is a fear of clocks.

Unfortunately, there is no known medical cure. The most successful course of treatment for illnesses like JTbo's is exposure therapy.

So, I propose we take JTbo to Charlies, in Barnsley. The biggest, butchest bunch of gays I've ever known.. all ex coal miners and steel workers.. perfect for JTbo, because they'll have a lot in common - being tough guys, and fearing nothing etc. Whenever you're ready, JTbo, we'll have that kink in your brain straightened out in no time! When I say straightened.. I mean bent-exposed
I'm surprised this is even an issue, especially in the US. I thought they had freedom of religion in the very law the New World is built on.

Not allowing someone to perform a religious act sounds like oppression to me.

The religions where you're only allowed one wife wouldn't be affected, and unless the law states that any random person can have multiple wives it doesn't need to be an issue at all.
And it's not as if that many people would WANT multiple wives anyway. God, one woman telling me to do stuff is plenty for me

[Edit: I can't be bothered reading back to find the homophobic comments. The poll that was done has already proved that a large number of people are more offended by the image of men kissing than acts of violence.]
Unfortunately the US is, apparently willingly, moving away from the constitution it was founded on. There hasn't been a separation of church and state for quite a long time. Even the dollar bill had God slapped on it in the middle of the 20th C, as one in the eye for the godless commies.

With no disrespect to the Americans here, I think you have to disregard the constitution and its intent when considering the US these days. There are so many different ways in which the constitution is institutionally diminished that it's effectively irrelevent in the US's socio-political structure at this point.
I'm pretty sure the main reason polygamy is a no-no for the federal gov't is tax/welfare/benefits fraud. This is based on economics, not on religion or morality. Everything after that... child abuse (or "marriages" to girls under the legal limit), preserving the status-quo... is secondary.
The main reason is that those who make decisions are afraid of losing votes if they accepted something like that :/
...or what I said.
Quote from Shotglass :hm did you know most suicide bombers are perpetually single? i suppose having a few guys take all women off the market makes having 72 virgins all that more tempting

If yer right, them suicide bombers oughta wear a T-shirt with "Get laid, or die trying".
Quote from wsinda :If yer right, them suicide bombers oughta wear a T-shirt with "Get laid, or die trying".

Accepting the 72 Virgins bit then it should be " Blow High and Get Laid "


This is the funniest part - Asked by journalists to tell the secret of their peculiar relationship, Victor explained that there is no jealousy between them. “But this is because Mirjam and Bianca are bisexual. I think that with two heterosexual women it would be more difficult.” Victor stressed, however, that he is “a one hundred per cent heterosexual”

Note - THIS IS NOT A VICTOR WHO HAS ANYTHING TO DO WITH LFS. ( Unless he's suddenly gained a number of years of wear and tear ! - check the link photo )


Rubbish. (And, I'm tempted to add, that's what you get with a site that calls itself "The voice of Conservatism in Europe".)

There was no wedding, and no legal recognition. These 3 people went to the notary and signed a contract. This kind of contract is normally used for couples who aren't married but who need to legally arrange things like parenthood and ownership of their house. Only this time it was 1 guy and 2 girls. To them it felt like getting married, and they dressed and celebrated accordingly.

It wasn't a "civil union" as the article calls it, because that has a legal status comparable to marriage. This is just a contract between people, and I bet you can do this in most European countries.

In the Netherlands the law recognizes gay marriage, but not polygamy. Of course, it's possible to live together with multiple partners. The most famous Dutch case is the painter Anton Heyboer, who had 5 "wives".

To me it's more worrying if the state intervenes in this kind of relationship (provided that it's between consenting adults), which apparently occurs in the USA.

Yes, I am aware it's a civil union.
I'm also aware of the fact it's not a marrage in the christian sense of the word.
Heard of a joke before !
I just saw this on the web and it related to this thread, particualy in regards to several posts people have made.
Still, looking at the guy I bet he's got money.............
I have two problems with with multiple wifes or partners
I don't believe it is good for the planet in general, there are far too many people here already, and for a man to have many many children - who presumably will grow up to have many children also, all of which may have two cars each TV's, fridges houses etc etc etc etc, just cannot be right - I mean christ where does it end?, surely anyone can see the folly here.

And b/
I already see people coming into my country bringing their wifes and offspring and being allowed to have this special relationship (religeon getting its way yet again).
The burden on our state finances are bad enough, but with each of these children getting the family credits that our rules say they are entitled to is just plain crazy.
And thats assuming there is at least one parent working to support this arrangment, which most often there is not.

Again on a personal level - I don't give a toss how many wifes and kids a man can have, but there are many other issues, not least of which, I do not want my hard earnt taxes going to support this arrangement.

Like I said - its less people that this planet needs.

Just about every problem we have in this world can be traced back to overpopulation, but religeon and goverments don't see that, all they see is the extra cash coming in from donations and taxes.

Am I really the only person that can see this?
Yes, the world is overpopulated. I'm with you on that one. I'm a firm believer that this is the reason we're seeing so many natural disasters these days - the world is balancing out the strain we're putting on it. But that's a seperate issue. As is the UKs (currently lax) immigration policies. I can't really speak on any other county's though, since I've no personal experience.

The thread isn't about the core of the issues, it's about religious rights. It's not really that different from allowing someone to set up a church for their own religion. People might not agree with it, but they should in no way be allowed to stop someone doing it.

I guess if you wanted to fight both problems at once you could set the law up to only allow a certain number of children per household, but that again leads to horrible stuff and you end up like China.
Quote from Dajmin :I guess if you wanted to fight both problems at once you could set the law up to only allow a certain number of children per household, but that again leads to horrible stuff and you end up like China.

Or a "No kids for thickies" rule. Yes I know thick people have the same rights as everybody else but I always thought it was a strange situation to be in. Let's start by taking away their vote.
Quote from thisnameistaken :Or a "No kids for thickies" rule. Yes I know thick people have the same rights as everybody else but I always thought it was a strange situation to be in. Let's start by taking away their vote.

Won't work, thikies don't have the intelligence to vote in the first place (actually I don't vote either , but I have my reasons).

But yet I see your point, as generally its the thickies that don't have the brains or inclination to control the number or behaviour of their offspring.
Most of them don't work and just see kids as a passport to free social housing and extra social security cash.

Remove the incentives and better education has to be the answer, but how do you educate someone who is simply doing what their parents ("parent" probably mum - absent father actually) did, and they don't have the brains or incentive to be educated in the first place.

All most of them are bothered about is finding the cash for the booze, fags and drugs, - day after day.
Quote from Polyracer :I have two problems with with multiple wifes or partners
I don't believe it is good for the planet in general, there are far too many people here already, and for a man to have many many children - who presumably will grow up to have many children also, all of which may have two cars each TV's, fridges houses etc etc etc etc, just cannot be right - I mean christ where does it end?, surely anyone can see the folly here.

Damn right. What we need to sort out the overpopulation issue is....
More Gays
Quote from The Moose :Damn right. What we need to sort out the overpopulation issue is....
More Gays

It's difficult to argue with that. Party at my house, bring your Scissor Sisters and Mika LPs.
Quote from thisnameistaken :It's difficult to argue with that. Party at my house, bring your Scissor Sisters and Mika LPs.

Oohhh, lovely. Can i bring my friend JTbo? He's a real cutie. All butch and macho, yet sweet as cotton candy. Your going to love him daaarling.
Dont imploy them! Do wat new zealand and australia are doing Send them back to the Mud Huts they came from!
Quote from Jordan2007 :Dont Employ them! Do what New Zealand and Australia are doing Send them back to the Mud Huts they came from!

Have i missed something? What are you on about?

PS. Fixed you post with proper English.
Australia, not New Zealand thank you.
Hell, we even take British refugees...........