The online racing simulator
Quote from Jakg :Just thought i'd let you know that doesn't work as LFS won't hook into this add-on at all.

Take any existing d3d8.dll's you have and rename them to something (ie "d3d8_{InsertNameOfAppHere}.dll"), then, go to the config file and put:


Make sure that the Bloom DLL has the right name ("d3d8.dll").

This should work better than the method above - however when using SoftTH I couldn't get it to work using your method, using my method I get "SoftTH" in the corner, and the Bloom notice at the top but then LFS never seems to load.

I tried this (and a lot of other settings), but could not get it to work with the dualscreen d3d8.dll. Mostly just a white screen and crashes..
(Electrik Kar) DELETED by Electrik Kar
Has anyone managed to tweak the settings to reasonable levels yet?

edit: quite a nice sunset effect, but other areas with the same setting look pretty hideous.
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(Electrik Kar) DELETED by Electrik Kar
Alright, here's another enbseries.ini - I tried to really tone it down. It's still pretty bright, so don't be too harsh on me
Attached files
ekar enbseries - 902 B - 1212 views
I don't suppose there is a way to use this at the same time as SoftTH (since they are both modified dx dlls)? Losing two thirds of my vision isn't worth a little visual gain.
"Losing two thirds of my vision isn't worth an unrealistic 'wow' effect."

Fixed it for you.
Looks nice. But not like IRL. Isn't it?
Is there any way to have the utility increase the brightness of areas like it does, without the horrible foggyness?
Quote from DaveWS :Is there any way to have the utility increase the brightness of areas like it does, without the horrible foggyness?

Yes, that would be nice, i like the effect of the sun reflection it creates, but i don't like that foggynes/blurrines..
great effect man thanks, how do i alter the "bloominess" ? i see the file contents in notepad but am imediatley confused

heres a preview of mine, no lag so far im running a dell dimension E251 only mod is 3Gb of ram. havnt gone online play yet. see pics for my standard gloooooooooooooom
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bloom gone . o.JPG
I don't mind the fog (adds a bit of atmosphere ), I just don't like the way certain materials give off a radioactive glow when they clearly shouldn't (eg. the drivers gloves, as Tristan pointed out).

For now I can live with the novelty and tweaked settings, because I like how the light bleeds through tunnels and over the horizon line, things like that. That looks ok... other things are visually quite strange.

Cheers Bramski for the mod
Quote from james_bskt :great effect man thanks, how do i alter the "bloominess" ? i see the file contents in notepad but am imediatley confused

Instructions are posted in this thread - Clickety
anyone played F1 on ps3? the bloom on that is so fantastic, set yourself up on time trial on somewhere like silverstone, its too good, the sun glares through the grandstands and past buildings to make it just like real sunset racing.. and going under bridges... let me just say i did it from 6pm until 2am sitting 1m from 42inch screen and i have never felt anything as realistic as racing in real life (karting) on a test day at around 6pm in the summer. just the same, minus Gforces, wind, but adrenaline was present.


Quote from Electrik Kar :Has anyone managed to tweak the settings to reasonable levels yet?

edit: quite a nice sunset effect, but other areas with the same setting look pretty hideous.

& when the mist clears, you might be able to see where you are going
Damn, forgot to back up, and i want the old files back, could anyone upload them please? (Y16)
Quote from ImportFantasy :Heres a test picture with bloom.In my opinion,it looks beautiful :P

You're right, that looks awesome! You're using taavis tweaked version?
Please anyone? or just tell what to do to delete
Quote :& when the mist clears, you might be able to see where you are going

Yeah, you're right, I can't really handle any more of this effect.

Even at minimum settings (I discovered most settings don't change anything) the bloom is way too garish. If you could somehow cut it down another 50% - 80% it might just be passable.

Anyone else have any luck?
Good god, it's like driving with cataracts.

Epic Fail, as bloom always is.
Some findings till now

I must agree, the bloom is too overexposed when just installing it. But setting "BloomPowerDay" to less than 10 makes it reasonable. Setting "BloomFadeTime" to a lower value makes it so when you go underneath something and you get out again the bloom is very big for a short time. This might be realistic, but I have never really given it a thought when driving out of a tunnel IRL.
Setting BloomAllowOversaturation to 0 distributes it much more evenly. So parts on the track/car that are already shiney don't light up like a christmas tree.

Maybe setting the carshine value in the LFS configuration file even lower, gives more room to play with this ini file. I like the skies etc, but when having a yellow car it seems to be painted with some fluorescent paint.
Quote from stry90dis :Some findings till now

I must agree, the bloom is too overexposed when just installing it. But setting "BloomPowerDay" to less than 10 makes it reasonable. Setting "BloomFadeTime" to a lower value makes it so when you go underneath something and you get out again the bloom is very big for a short time. This might be realistic, but I have never really given it a thought when driving out of a tunnel IRL.
Setting BloomAllowOversaturation to 0 distributes it much more evenly. So parts on the track/car that are already shiney don't light up like a christmas tree.

Maybe setting the carshine value in the LFS configuration file even lower, gives more room to play with this ini file. I like the skies etc, but when having a yellow car it seems to be painted with some fluorescent paint.

.. or just don't drive with a yellow skin.

Do you think you could share your modified files? That'd be grand.

Quote :Please anyone? or just tell what to do to delete

I think you just have to delete the "enbseries.cfg" file from your LFS directory.
I got mine to be a bit reasonable playing around with the above suggested settings . It still looks really stupid at times though (especially the sky).
Attached images
The weird thing is, playing around in the ini file makes good results, but after making the rar and unpacking it into lfs folder again it looks totally different, i believe the long shaders are still playing tricks somewhere in the dll file. So it's pretty impossible for us to get similar results for everyone, some might get lucky and see the tweak i made or others who just see it as "bling" from CM: Dirt when my tweak wasn't intended to be like that.
Quote from Taavi(EST) :The weird thing is, playing around in the ini file makes good results, but after making the rar and unpacking it into lfs folder again it looks totally different, i believe the long shaders are still playing tricks somewhere in the dll file. So it's pretty impossible for us to get similar results for everyone, some might get lucky and see the tweak i made or others who just see it as "bling" from CM: Dirt when my tweak wasn't intended to be like that.

You're right taavi, some have no effect at all, some have too much. I was wondering why yours looked the same as the original on mine

Bloom lighting addon for LFS
(615 posts, started )