The online racing simulator
Birthday Present!
(63 posts, started )
Birthday Present!
I am getting a dog for my mums birthday soon.. I dont know what to do with the dog when i get it, Do u think it will sufficate if i wrap it up.. Because i dont want to wrap the dog up one night.. my mum comes down the next day and the dogs dead wrapped up in thomas the tank engine Wrapping paper.. WHAT SHAL I DO!!!
#2 - J@tko
Quote from Jordan2007 :I am getting a dog for my mums birthday soon.. I dont know what to do with the dog when i get it, Do u think it will sufficate if i wrap it up.. Because i dont want to wrap the dog up one night.. my mum comes down the next day and the dogs dead wrapped up in thomas the tank engine Wrapping paper.. WHAT SHAL I DO!!!

Sedate it?

I've no idea!!!

there will be no where to put it accept my racing car..

but my luck the next day there will be a police chase on TV with a dog driving my car :s
put it erm in your racing car. Dog's can't drive apart from that 1 on the more than advert.
Wrap a big empty (cardboard) box into the paper (so that you can open and close it). Next morning put the dog into the box and close it. A simple string around the box to keep it closed for the time it needs to be.
Quote from Aquilifer :Wrap a big empty (cardboard) box into the paper (so that you can open and close it). Next morning put the dog into the box and close it. A simple string around the box to keep it closed for the time it needs to be.

For the love of God, remember to put some air holes in. Can't stress that point enough.
Cant take the risk il end up not putting holes in the box..

[EDIT] I cant put it in my car, what if he undoes the handbrake! it will go through my garage!
get it when she has gone to bed. Sneak it in then after you have let it have a piss an a shit.
She dont go to bed shes like a human Robot!
She goes to bed at like 3am and were picking up the dog at about 6pm!
Jam something under your handbrake then. Or tie it back to something.
Ehm ..just leave it at the breeder?
Then take your mum out for a drive on her birthday and pick it up.
Or better yet..let her choose herselves so she doesn't end up with a dog she isn't totally hapy with.

And please please tell me u won't buy it at some supermarket?
And she has the time and will to...
A. go to puppytraining with it
B. walk it twice a day
C. spend lots of money on vet costs
Can't you keep it round someone elses house for the night, and then get them to drop it off at a certain time tomorrow?
Good idea, Last puppy We Kept Round Someones house it chewed up all the carpet
Quote from Jordan2007 :I am getting a dog for my mums birthday soon.. I dont know what to do with the dog when i get it, Do u think it will sufficate if i wrap it up.. Because i dont want to wrap the dog up one night.. my mum comes down the next day and the dogs dead wrapped up in thomas the tank engine Wrapping paper.. WHAT SHAL I DO!!!

LOL please tell me your having a laugh :P
get her no nvm don't get her drunk. erm tell her she won't get a prezzie if she doesn't go to bed. Then pick it up at some time after she has gone bed.
I would go with the keeping it a mates plan. Just keep it there over night, then in the morning when your mom is awake, say you need to go and get a CD from a mates. Then come back with the puppy, and put a ribbon on it for the final touch!

A puppy is a good idea though. I got my gf one for her birthday a couple of months ago. She loved it,
Anyone know where i can get some
  • Weed
  • Sleeping pills
Hide it in the shed
Hide it in the attic
Hide it in the basement
Hide it in the spare room
Hide it in the neighbors doghouse
Hide it in your pants

Wow, this really that hard? And a puppy can't hurt a car that much, handbrake won't move if so leave the car in gear as well and your safe either way... Noise is what I would be afraid of but if your terribly worried, you can always go the "Early Present" route. She will be just as happy either way.
Quote from imthebestracerthereis :Hide it in the shed
Hide it in the attic
Hide it in the basement
Hide it in the spare room
Hide it in the neighbors doghouse
Hide it in your pants<<<eww he isn't an animal rapeist.

Quote from imthebestracerthereis :Hide it in the shed
Hide it in the attic
Hide it in the basement
Hide it in the spare room
Hide it in the neighbors doghouse
Hide it in your pants

Attic No way it will die of Dust disease..
Basement dont got 1
Spare room.. I Think a ogre lives there... Its scary!
Neighbours dog house... they hate dogs..

My pants.. Full of stuff.. I have a Snake down there! dont think dogs like snakes !
I don't follow you....your asking tips to hide your dog,then ask for weed & sleeping pills and say you want to hide it in your car but your only 14.

I'm ****ed up
Quote from CobraDrifter :I don't follow you....your asking tips to hide your dog,then ask for weed & sleeping pills and say you want to hide it in your car but your only 14.

I'm ****ed up

He has a mini which he races.

Come on jord, cant be that hard to find somewhere to hide a freaking puppy!

I also agree with the early present routine.
Sheesh, you've never hidden a small animal before? Bah...
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Birthday Present!
(63 posts, started )