The online racing simulator
CTRA League Hints
Id hate to say it, because I love this sim, but if I dont find a league that interests me soon...Im gonna have to, get a "real" life!

So, can anyone drop hints to what this proposed CTRA league is going to be all about? Cars, licenses, tracks, format, etc.
Well I only know for sure about the original concept I was going to make but never did, I think now the ball has been put into UKCT's court it has changed somewhat. From what Sam has said 3rd party leagues will integrate into it, rather than CTRA themselves running the leagues.

This extends the concept of the CTRA being in a governing body role rather than being the actual league administrators themselves - which would be too much work for few people.

Certainly I had plans to make league format racing available on a more pickup and play basis by means of automation and provision of 1 or 2 event servers with several events a day, and I guess that might still be a factor.

The specifics however are known only to UKCT and what SamH has revealed on this forum, that web integration and 3rd party support will be included.
If it reflects any of the amazing work the UKCT team have already done, then it's going to be awesome. I have little time to actually commit to a full on league and therefore can't wait to race in a pickup and go daily/weekly/monthly league system run by Sam and co!

Bring it on!
The idea was to run a couple flagship series and then let 3rd parties handle their own through our servers.

The best UKCT can do at the moment is the UK eTM, until X2 is out we don't really have anything more to offer anyone.

I have always wanted to do a TBO league, but if Becky is considering I won't go down that route.

I think it's safe to say motordirex that there will eventually be another TBO league, but either Becky does the STCC again, or UKCT creates another, similar series, I don't know. No promises mind you, UKCT doesn't really have the time currently to create a series just yet =)
can someone give me a foretaste about the X2-System?