Uh oh, I said stock car :-) Anyway, are there any cars in S2 that can be tweaked to give a similar feel of stock cars or anything close that can be raced on the oval in LFS?
I'd say the xrr.. it's rwd like a stock car and with some tweaking with more horsepower + weight in Mecanik I think I'd resemble a stock car on an oval pretty well.
The problem lies in emulating the grip levlels, weight trasfer, supsension modeling (that is completly differnt than a road course suspension in essance) of a stock car..
(for the record nascar nextel cup cars are upwards of 850-900hp)
I'm going a different route than all them ^^. You can't get a "NASCAR" stockcar feel to LFS because some important setup info is not there. Wedge and staggar. Until weight distribution and allowing different sized tires on different sides is allowed, then oval racing is just horrible.
If you want to have an oval track and only turn left (or only right for that matter) then why wouldn't you want to be able to setup the car strickly for oval racing? Oval racing is just junk right now in LFS.
Well first off, you need a RWD...then i'd say a big V8. So that's where it
ends i guess lol. The raw feeling of stock cars is not available in any LFS
cars at the moment, but i'd also say the XRR is the closest. 2nd choice
would be the FXR setup as a RWD. I just can't agree about the XFR...
Wedge, cross weights, spoilers rather than wings, the huge ass tires, (width and profile) transmissions, detriot lockers, its all differnt than the LFS setup has dealing withs...although they dont use stagger anymore with radial tires, or not to any signifigant extent anyway