The online racing simulator
Thanks for the great comments

Quote from Lynce :Really, really nice !!


I like it too much.

Thank you Lynce, means a lot
Quote from orange_boy_uk :Colins12 how you get them pictures to come out good :P I got good graphics card and photoshop 3 but never get pics to look like yours

Mhm, just play with curves and ligths...
Blackwood Gp Track

Nothing Special.
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Blackwood Gp.jpg
Blackwood Gp Original.jpg
This is actually my first attempt, so please don't laugh.
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Dude, it's aint that bad really ! Good luck with next try's.
Quote from feat :Dude, it's aint that bad really ! Good luck with next try's.

Thanks, I just can't seem to get round those jagged lines without ruining the car.

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Poxit - Still nice, i love sky and ground color tones.
Drift2k7 - Very nice, pretty blur, nice motion.
Here's my bloody lovely XRT (I know I need more AA)
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Quote from Töki (HUN) :Here's my bloody lovely XRT (I know I need more AA)

Hey nice edit, can you PM me how to make the effect of the wheels spining (or post it here :P) I've really wanted to do that for a new pic.
radial blur. His is done wrong. The calipers don't spin.
some very very nice pics here since i wasnt here.Keep it up guys!
(evilpimp) DELETED by evilpimp
(evilpimp) DELETED by evilpimp
Quote from -DrftMstr- :radial blur. His is done wrong. The calipers don't spin.

Does it have to be a pic from the side? because mine is 3/4 view and it just keeps looking weird :S

This is what it gives and this time i tried in a side view pic.
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you have to select the area you want to blur.
Nvm, ill try some other time...
I'm leaking an edit I'm working on. I took the image of a rim, and duplicated 2 layers. The first layer, I did a normal radial blur with the calipers. On the second layer, I selected the calipers with a polygon marquee with 10px feather. Blur this second layer with a lower "spin" and lower the opacity to about 70%.

It all depends on the rims that you are blurring. BBS ( with many spokes), use this technique. With lesser spokes, like an stock XRT rim, unselect the caliper from the selection and simply apply the blur.

i hope that helps.
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yeh it did help xD thanks

This is what I got, its one of my first serious edit's. Comment much appreciated.

Picture by Cobra, edit by me.

I realise I screwed up the lens blur a bit too :S
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Quote from evilpimp :yeh it did help xD thanks

This is what I got, its one of my first serious edit's. Comment much appreciated.

Picture by Cobra, edit by me.

I realise I screwed up the lens blur a bit too :S

Smokes - Dont, just dont.

@ Colins - Best damn thing dude, just i hate lens flare as lights obviously.

Click image for hi-res version.
little radial blur on the rims and it would be great
Quote from -DrftMstr- :radial blur. His is done wrong. The calipers don't spin.

I know, it was just a quickie...

Edited pics
(14107 posts, started )