The online racing simulator
WIP Whifbitz RX7 Time Attack
(31 posts, started )
WIP Whifbitz RX7 Time Attack
Hey been working away on this skin for the XRR, i based it off the Whitbitz team skin :P. still got bits and bobs to fix and some decals to add on the rear but its almost there.
I just pasted the one side onto the other but will change that for the final. if anyone is interested in this skin i will make it public but atm its my private skin
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background RX7.jpg
Not bad so far. I made a handful of Time Attack skins for TBO's a couple of months back, maybe 1 or 2 for GTR's.

I had plans on making a Time Attack Tweak league but it never happened.
aw , a time attack leaque sounds awesome . also any screenshots of ur time attack skins?
I had big thought running through my head but I didn't know who to turn to for a bit of help organising it. Was awesome trying to get a decent power set up for them, 500bhp TBO's was good fun.

I only released some of the Time Attack skins, but I've got a few still kicking about on the PC somewhere.

Do-Luck Evo9 FXO

Do-Luck 350Z FZR

Norris Designs Evo 9 FXR

Sumo Power Evo 8 FXR

I'll rar up the odd ones I've got if you want them?

Edit: They were all in my CMX Viewer skins folder on my previous install of XP, I forgot to back them up.

Edit2: Now I come to think of it, I remember rar'ing a load up for someone to use in a video. ... 50283/Squidhead_Skins.rar
Quote from beefyman666 :Not bad so far. I made a handful of Time Attack skins for TBO's a couple of months back, maybe 1 or 2 for GTR's.

I had plans on making a Time Attack Tweak league but it never happened.

I want to suportt you in that thing if we can stil somehow pull it of im working on a time attch FXO with anime on ith as ,ots of my skins have

yes i do plan tom make les anime in future
Quote from Chrisuu01 :I want to suportt you in that thing oif wecan stile somehow pul; it of im working on a time attch FXO with anime on ith as ,ots of my skins have

yes i do plan tom make les anime in future

Well the original plan was to use all/most of the cars from

But theres no harm in making others aslong as it has the appropriate numberboard on it.

I've only just seen someone has a tweak server online frequently the other day so maybe I could try work something out with him.

Edit: You're in luck I guess, one of the 2008 cars has some anime on it. ... A_RD1_RICHSAMS%20053.html
Quote from beefyman666 :Well the original plan was to use all/most of the cars from

But theres no harm in making others aslong as it has the appropriate numberboard on it.

I've only just seen someone has a tweak server online frequently the other day so maybe I could try work something out with him.

Edit: You're in luck I guess, one of the 2008 cars has some anime on it. ... A_RD1_RICHSAMS%20053.html

Whel im making a pure fictinalal time attack car with a girl from one of my favorite series

So its a comepletly fictinnional time attck machine
Some really nice skins there beefyman666, the do-luck FXO and FZR are my favs out of them :P.
How did u get all the decals , did u just fish through the net to find them? and if you dont mind can i get some off ya?

i will credit the decals to ya once ive finished it and will probly make it public :P
also once its finished i will move onto the 2008 version of it , tho i really love this 07 model.
This one caught my eye in the banzai mag, they had a news review on it
Quote from adamlfs :Some really nice skins there beefyman666, the do-luck FXO and FZR are my favs out of them :P.
How did u get all the decals , did u just fish through the net to find them? and if you dont mind can i get some off ya?

i will credit the decals to ya once ive finished it and will probly make it public :P
also once its finished i will move onto the 2008 version of it , tho i really love this 07 model.
This one caught my eye in the banzai mag, they had a news review on it

I lost loads of those decals when I formatted, I was sure I backed them up but obviously not. I spent several hours searching for them and had to remake some of them.

Just seen the 2008 Whifbitz, looks much nicer than 2007.

And you have a PM.
should help.
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I made myself a Time Attack numberboard but didn't have a hi res Time Attack logo. Unless there was one in that big pack FCS13 released.
Quote from HellBoy99 :should help.

Thank you very much :P . l8r today i will be updating the skin, hehe gotta get uni out of the way 1st

Starting to do some development on the decals on the car , gonna try and sort out the other side of the car , changed the front Whifbitz logo to the correct one , * end of 2007 season car *. So i should have it dun by the end of the day.

Also beefyman666 im gonna sort out ur Opak racing decal tonight , gonna clean it up and make it much higher rez :P
Sorry for double post , but i was just wondering if anyone knew what it said on the top of the cars bonnet :P

im guessing that its the whifbitz website , i dunno really ??
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well i cant see any others with the same kinda website , i know that its the Time attack website on the front part ,
but along the sides i cant tell what it is ? , any other pics of the car ( other than the Time Attack website)
Oh sorry, I see which one you're on about now. It looks to me as if it's the same one thats on the side skirt,, and above that again the same white text as the side skirts, The Ultimate Brake Pad.
Ah ok , thanks . i added some more detail last night and i should have it dun today . aswell as ur Opak text :P
Awesome, looking forward to the finished product. It will sit nicely in my little Time Attack collection.

No rush on the Opak logo, the sooner I get it, the sooner the skin will get finished. It's all that's left to go on it I think.
That looks great! Looking forward to see that skin.
Hehe thanks , kinda been lazy not doing anything even tho ive had days off :P... gonna make a push and try to finish it tonight. Also Opak Logo is on its way beefyman
As u can see , its almost there , and i wanted to create it in illustrator as it will convert easily and should be higher rez :P .
there is just a view of it atm :P
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Opak tests.jpg
okey... Opak Logo finish :P . took abit of time but i think its there .
this is for public use anyone who needs it ofc... just remember to credit me plz

i think its about 30338x40000 sumthing . i know its abit big but u can always make it smaller :P
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opak.pdf - 209.1 KB - 150 views
Its all finished :P . gonna post it here aswell as on the Finshed pages

hope u guys like it , i borrowed mr Lfsnoobs lights to finish it off , and i feel it looks abit better this way
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That skin was awesome! But then you added these shitty headlights and now you scrapped it.
Haha how? , i can do another version with the other lights if u really want ?
Yeh you should release a version without headlights, it would look much better imo...