Over 30s Club
(181 posts, started )
born in 72... Will be 36 soon. I haven't raced in a while, my lower back is F-ed up. Started getting really bad right after I got my 7900GTX and G25.

If I put my mind to it I could be playing LFS (among other sims and PC games) on my 52" Aquos in 1080p too.. One of these days.

Built in 78'
Played LFS since 2005,I think an over 30 league would be great! battle of the ol folks
41. Nice to see many over 30's playing.
LFS is great fun and a wonderful way to keep my reflexes sharp.
... would be really great if servers are able to reference our member records to hold races for difference age groups.
Quote from steviemax :would be really great if servers are able to reference our member records to hold races for difference age groups.

Sorry but why?

What's the difference if you race with a 70 year old or a 13 year old?
Quote from zeugnimod :Sorry but why?

What's the difference if you race with a 70 year old or a 13 year old?

Maturity level, 90% of the time anyway- sadly.
Date of Manufacture: 28th Jan 1977.

Mental age: early Teens . . . YEA! LEET! LOL! ROFL!. . . . and other such yoof sayings.

And I intend on staying that way. I'll be setting up my invalidity mobile for some leery sideways action when I'm 90. PIMP MY SCOOTER!

I must admit, having been trying for my CD qualy time in my few hours spare after work I ain't got 'alf annoyed with toy town coming out of school and onto LFS. So if there is serious consideration for a more adult *cough* sorry, a more mature server with some nice genteel racing then I'm well up for that. I'll bring my flatcap and the bentley. But I can't drive too fast because the wife's bonnet blows away in the wind. Plus the champagne gets a bit knocked around and the strawberries bruise. Prehaps I'll just pitch up on the knoll on the back straight Of Aston National and watch you old duffers puff and pant your way around. Cheers! Chin chin!. *Clink*
Hatched on 1st June 1972.
Now got a 6 and a 4 year old wanting to play on MY LFS......
Isn't it a bugger when they want in on your game. Little ankle biters. Managed to get rid of the oldest my getting him a DS, but my baby girl like daddy's lap too much . . . 'Vroom Vroom daddy'. 'No, this is a flying lap, don't pull on the steerin . . . . Too late.'
Quote from Funnybear :Isn't it a bugger when they want in on your game. Little ankle biters. Managed to get rid of the oldest my getting him a DS, but my baby girl like daddy's lap too much . . . 'Vroom Vroom daddy'. 'No, this is a flying lap, don't pull on the steerin . . . . Too late.'

YUP They've got a DS each but its no match for LFS unfortunately
Quote from BWX232 :Maturity level, 90% of the time anyway- sadly.

I don't know with what people you race but I think that's not true at all in LFS.
Quote from zeugnimod :I don't know with what people you race but I think that's not true at all in LFS.

Please don't take anything negatively. By having a over 30's server, I believe the atmosphere would be alot more relaxed. This is not to say it won't be competitive.

I could be completely and utterly wrong in my assumption, but at the very least, it would be nice be know one is racing with people of a similar age group.

I think age is a good general indicator for behaviour and expectations. Just would be interesting to have such an option.
If you would like to have "over 30's server", I would be happy to host it. Just tell me what tracks and cars I put there...
Hey my wife was born in 1981 though, so do I split the difference?
35 here
Quote from steviemax :Please don't take anything negatively. By having a over 30's server, I believe the atmosphere would be alot more relaxed. This is not to say it won't be competitive.

I could be completely and utterly wrong in my assumption, but at the very least, it would be nice be know one is racing with people of a similar age group.

I think age is a good general indicator for behaviour and expectations. Just would be interesting to have such an option.

I am 38 now.

A few years ago i was playing counter strike and found a server were most of the guys where 30+. It was amazing, no whining, cheating, etc.

In online gaming is just not the same to play with kids than with adults. I love LFS because pple seems more mature than in other online games.
Aye, it's the older set that seem to understand that you are playing the game for the games sake. Not to hack, baserape, crack, wreck, exploit or any other such rather juvanile methods to climb to the top of the manure heap. It makes a complete mockery of any 'real' skill leagues or somesuch.

Also on a more mature server I would be far more willing to help someone I know will use that assistance for the better rather than just going 'Sum1 GIVE ME SETUP NOW!!' and ramming you off at the first corner . . .

Plus I want to learn. And I know that older guys and gals are for more willing to impart knowledge if the right questions are asked . . .

Although I don't know how populated it would be. And how you could restrict it. And whether 30+ is slighty too old as I'm sure their are many responsible 20 somethings out there throwing their G25 across the room in a fit of pique . . . . or is that just me?

But no teenagers though. Thats just way to much in another country for me . . . Too many hormones.
I got called a "b*tch" and told to "f*ck off" tonight on a server...I happen to spin at a chicane!

I'm all for a more mature server!
So many blind stereotypes here. :thumbsdow
Yeah a 30 plus server would be nice, but how do you make sure they are actually 30?

33 here.
Quote from zeugnimod :So many blind stereotypes here. :thumbsdow

I think this stereotype is kind of true. Most teenagers are wankers (pun intended ), atleast when you provide Internet and anonymity to them. I´m 20. I remember what I was like. Scary.
Quote from A.Ulleri :Yeah a 30 plus server would be nice, but how do you make sure they are actually 30?

33 here.

They must have age >30 in LFSW. Sure, it can be changed. Other method would be a credit card details...
Age means nothing to me when racing others in LFS,behaviour on track is all that matter's, act like a plonker and it follows you like a bad smell, no matter how much verbal deodorant you use on the forums

We don't need an age related server, just more drivers of all ages racing.

Join a race and lead by example.
Verbal deoderant . . . I like that. But some of us really don't have the time to spend pissing around with 'prooving' how to drive properly when we only have little time to fit around everything else. What we would like to do is join a server that we know we're not going to get wrecked out on T1 (or if we are then we know that it's an accident, unless our resident oldies have turned rougue on us) Then we can get on with some racing without the undue pushing and shoving and reduced playtime.

Don't get me wrong, I have had some top notch racing on some very open servers. CD1 or CTRA1 for example. But more often than not it's a trial of patience whilst I try and make it through T1 in one piece to make it through the rest of the race 'proving' how grown ups race. But I would be very happy with a server that I know is populated and that when the race starts I can race into T1 comfortable in the knowledge that noone is going to wipeout half the field because they got lead weights in their right foot and the steering lock on.
The thing that I'd like to see the most is a server with a track day type of feel for relaxing, a bit of practise and get together to share experiences.

Then also another server with longer races (30 - 60min) and populated with people that finish those races regardless of weather they have a good race or not. I hate it when I fight through a field of racers to have them dump out of the race when I finally overtake them or when I may catch them before the end of the race or for any reason really. I personally don't drop out of a race even if half way through I realise I have a shit set (with tyres going off and lap times plummeting) I'll stick it out and make a challenge of trying to retain as many positions as possible.

I agree with zeugnimod that there are some very fair, fast and courteous young drivers. But I don't know many young drivers that would stick out a long public pickup race (not talking league races) if they weren't driving well or something happened during the race to adversely affect there lap times. Not saying all older guys are different in this regard either, but there does seem to be a strong correlation between the age of a driver and whether they finish a race regardless of performance or position

I know this type of activity can be found in some well organised teams. But many of us older folk can't or don't want to structure or lives around a team (yes we are contankerous grumpy old bastards :razz So having the safe haven of an Old Folks Home server would be something I'd visit and probably often
Quote from Glenn67 :The thing that I'd like to see the most is a server with a track day type of feel for relaxing, a bit of practise and get together to share experiences.

Then also another server with longer races (30 - 60min) and populated with people that finish those races regardless of weather they have a good race or not. I hate it when I fight through a field of racers to have them dump out of the race when I finally overtake them or when I may catch them before the end of the race or for any reason really. I personally don't drop out of a race even if half way through I realise I have a shit set (with tyres going off and lap times plummeting) I'll stick it out and make a challenge of trying to retain as many positions as possible.

+1 there. The racing would be so much better if LFS had started out with a minimum of 30 minutes races. I think it's far too late for that now. Everyone in public is in the 5 lap mindset that there would be no one left on the track after 5 laps.

As it is currently, I can't stand the longer public races (CTRA endurance night for example) simply because people can't last that long. If it were that way from the beginning, things would be different now.

Then again, we also need more than 3 total racers connected in the evenings here in the US.

Over 30s Club
(181 posts, started )