The thing that I'd like to see the most is a server with a track day type of feel for relaxing, a bit of practise and get together to share experiences.
Then also another server with longer races (30 - 60min) and populated with people that finish those races regardless of weather they have a good race or not. I hate it when I fight through a field of racers to have them dump out of the race when I finally overtake them or when I may catch them before the end of the race or for any reason really. I personally don't drop out of a race even if half way through I realise I have a shit set (with tyres going off and lap times plummeting) I'll stick it out and make a challenge of trying to retain as many positions as possible.
I agree with zeugnimod that there are some very fair, fast and courteous young drivers. But I don't know many young drivers that would stick out a long public pickup race (not talking league races) if they weren't driving well or something happened during the race to adversely affect there lap times. Not saying all older guys are different in this regard either, but there does seem to be a strong correlation between the age of a driver and whether they finish a race regardless of performance or position
I know this type of activity can be found in some well organised teams. But many of us older folk can't or don't want to structure or lives around a team (yes we are contankerous grumpy old bastards :razz

So having the safe haven of an Old Folks Home server would be something I'd visit and probably often