The online racing simulator
Drifting ..
(58 posts, started )
Quote from GT4Fan :I got a DFP and learned how to drift in Gran Turismo 4. And now, a year later, I learned drifting in LFS in 2 days. I dont know if it's the wheel or the GT4 experience.
GT4 is a different game from LFS so I guess the wheel is alot of an advantage.
The DFP is one of the best wheels out there with very good Force Feedback and perhaps thats why it makes it so easy for me. Get a wheel people:P

I think it's just GT4. With the proper setup drifting is quite easy in the game. I actually was linking turns within a few hours
Thank you all for the help and I appreciate them all.

I do have a DFP with a set of ECCI pedals plugged in to it. Funny thing is that whenever I run LFS, my throttle pedal would go erratic after a few rounds on the track (when I stepped on the throttle pedal, the throttle either didn't move or jumped around. Checked using Dxtweak and I had to unplug the USB cable and plug it back in to reset. The same thing came back after a few rounds again). Do you guys have this problem with DFP? I also played RBR, GTR and FS2004 with the same pedals but I never had any problem with other sims, only with LFS. Does LFS do anything funny with the pedals? It's repeatable. I could run RBR forever and the pedals never stuck. As soon as I started LFS and drove a few rounds then the gas pedal stuck. It's getting very frustrated. I'm pretty sure it has something to do with LFS as this didn't happen with any other sims.

- I have my DFP set at 450 degree (LFS also set at 450 with 36 degree lock). Is it good enough for drifting? What is yours set at?

- Thanks for the pointer to the drifting lesson server. I just d/l S2 demo a few days ago. Can I join a server with the demo version?

Thanks again.
why am i even talking about BL lol i think i've already done BL blindfolded a few times... but anyways, that clutch kick technique is a personal taste. I really like swinging the car from opposite lock to another, so that lil kick has to be placed at the right timing, dosing the kick very accurately, it will feel like a lil boost:P anyways, very useful on KY with the RB4
When you start drifting to a corner, again taking the Blackwood regular as an example, from the 1st straight to a 90 degree right hand turn, do you start to drift from outside or inside of the turn? What's the right position to start kicking the rear out?
Thanks again.
the thing is, drifting is mainly about reaction and instinct. you can teach techinique, how to slide a car, how to control it, but when you're asking how to take a corner, everyone takes it differently. many people like to take the inside, feint to out then intiate a drift. many others choku-dori (basically a feint, except drifting). I kansei (basically lift off throttle while turning in at high speed, then jumping back on throttle). it's all up to your personal tastes.
Learning to drift is by far the greatest thing in lfs i've ever done. It has saved me countless times when actually racing. Stick to it.
Quote from deggis :Drifting is stupid. Don't learn to drift.

Quote from deggis :Nice video of Monte Carlo pre-testing for WRC Season 2006. You might think it's boring because it's just testing but there's some really cool slides, seems like drivers drive more carelessly when they are testing...

Sorry deggis

Drifting ..
(58 posts, started )