worlds best game
(77 posts, started )
Why do people say 'RealLife' is the best game, it sucks.

Girls are often picky, moan all the time, and hate going to football. Also for most people who go to work and told what to do by a boss who hasn't even achieved level 9 status. Then they get a crappy pay packet of which the 'Government (i.e. Big Boss) takes what ever it damn well feels like.

And what about the pain, damn it try standing on an upturned plug with you're bare feet and see how much you enjoy 'RealLife' then.

Now don't get me wrong 'RealLife' has some great features, none more so than Beer, however the more you drink Beer the more likely you will encounter one of the many bugs, such as loss of balance, loss of speech and in extreme case's loss of standard......and don't even think about waking up the next day because if you do it a gale force 10 headache.

Overall 'RealLife' is a bold development for God&Scientist publishing and developers, they tried to create something fun and far all the family. However of it's many faults there is on that bugs me and many other players in the game..........

......Just what is Life all about.
Outside - The new MMORPG from the creators of the smash-hit ''IRL''

  • No montly fees!
  • Massive world to explore
  • Incredible NPC AI
  • Over 56,400 character archetype
  • Fully PvP(Player Vs. Player)
  • Highest resolution graphics
Attached images
Quote from LFSn00b :

You tit!

the best game (computer game) IMHO is Fallout 2.... the daddy... (followed closely by Fallout and KOTOR)

best real life game - is the alco Russian roulette.

it's when you get that spinning thingy from twister, get 1 [small glass, how do they call them] of Vodka, put it on one side of the twister, and then you spin it with your friends...

the one who gets the arrow pointing at the glass - drinks, the Last Man Standing has the honor of paying the bill and loading his fallen comrades into the cab...

Just kidding, I like to play strike ball...
Best game ever? has to be Insurgency for me.

It's the closest to realistic combat I've seen in a game so far.
This list could change at any time - it probably will once I acquire a PS3. Right now it's:
God Of War, GTA, Silent Hill, Metal Gear Solid, Resident Evil, Burnout, Mafia, Ratchet & Clank, The Godfather (most things I've hired for the PS2 in the last six months) and any of their sequels (if applicable).

My favourite non-binary games include:

Trivial Pursuit (I've never beaten my dad, confound him, but I'm still undefeated by my dad in-law)
Axis & Allies
Poker with mates - $20 buy-in, play with five and ten-cent coins until dawn or until everyone's broke, listen to Allman Brothers & Miles Davis LPs, drink and smoke far too much, last man standing buys breakfast for the defeated
Beach cricket
You know what I am really stuck, the games I always enjoy no matter what are...


...I would say my favourite of those would be Worms, especially with a group of drunk friends playing as your football team with regional accents on the little wormies.
LFS has to be the best since it's the only one I play.
Computer games:
Any of the Mario Bros.
Most of the GTA series.

If we're talking about non computer games then:
Shithead/Tough Shit (those who haven't played or heard of it, you're missing out. Probably the best card game ever, especially when wasted)
Twister (as mentioned in posts above)
Drinking games
Isn't Wow, World of Worldcraft. The best game? most populary?
(i dont like wow)
(Hankstar) DELETED by Hankstar
Need for Speed.
Call Of Duty 4 for me.
No limit texas hold'em
Quote from CobraDrifter :Outside - The new MMORPG from the creators of the smash-hit ''IRL''

  • No montly fees!

In your dreams. While it is true that the basic package comes for free, you need to use real money to provide food and shelter which both are needed to maintain your character successfully. Not even mentioning all the fees you have to pay for the really cool content. So honestly, I'd prefer the "pay 13 € per month for the full package" over that system.
if lfs cant be counten pecause its simulator i must say the best games i know are..
Hitman: blood money
Fable:the lost chapters
Company of Heroes,COD2-4 for me,Brothers in Arms Hells highway which i haven't played but i have seen vids and its really awesome.
Not right now but thanks for asking.
Live for speed obviously
Dont forget about the tomb raider series
Then theres NASCAR racing 2003 season
also tmuf(forever) is great fun.
sa:mp great, too.
used too play ut04 and wc3, now only from time to time.
i think the best game in the world is your life! why? because you don't have the god damn reset button in it!
Quote from tikshow :i think the best game in the world is your life! why? because you don't have the god damn reset button in it!


worlds best game
(77 posts, started )