kay, lets roll
first, i think most peopz cherish lfs for being most real simulation of real racing... so why not to go next step of it, make it more realistic.
that means to me:
* i start my suggestions with an "every player account", also for demo users, so that these crasher bastards will have a special nick like in s2 and so they easy can be prooved of being guilty (with replays f.ex.) and BANNED on LIFETIME (couz they will have to register with full name and adress)
* more complex damage
(if i crash the wall with 200km/h the car must be splittet into 100 parts or must be that destroyed u cant go ahead with racing. i would like this very much also f.ex. in a 30lap race. makes very exciting NOT to touch the wall or drife safely to survive. also would be cool to have some carparts on track when crashed which disapper within 30secs. thing is peopz know if they buy lfs that they want to buy a SIMULATION and not arcade and a simulation has to be most realistic as it can be)
* in general more reality gaming like no arcade autoshift, better a version like reallife with kickdown and stuff, think next step guys...
* a pitspotter and/or radio (turn on/off option)
(very usefull to get information bout tires and fuel and possible danger on track via voice, so u just need to listen and not read stuff on screen while trying to race best laps

* some racemanager controls
(i would combine the functions like the tools lfs lapper and racemanager already have into new server systems in s3. additional some more race control options for host of server maybe more punishment styles or more easy to use interface.)
* some safetycar would be funny that races like slow AI till the crashed car (thats out of funtion) is cleaned from track maybe via crane
* car sounds could be better esp the tyre sounds, not THAT much realistic, but i am optimistic for the future...
* i dont care the minimal menus in lfs, i like em

i dont want that much animation and stuff like in gtr or dtm racer

easy and fast - GOOD BOY LFS!
* more special tracks, cars, conditions(rain, snow, nightrace), dynamic weather,... lots of things possible, but lfs guys are not a 200 guy production team lol

but i will let me suprise
thats the things i would like to see... and i personally think thats enuff. better few things more but they are very pro then , THAN loads of things that are buggy and useless...

in trance we trust guys
and guys never forget, if u race a racecar, u race a racecar and not a automatic shifting brake assisting undestuctable gamecar