LFS Tweak for Y
(160 posts, closed, started )
LFS Tweak for Y
im really new here and i have been looking for LFS Tweak for patch Y but the once i find i can only change engine size on (and hp) i wonder how i can change the tires and so couse i woud really lik some oen to help me whit it please write back on this on and pretty pelase post a link(not to the tune)
LFS-Tune is the only application available for patch Y. If you want to use LFSTweakS2 you need to use an older version of LFS (0.5V).

As described in swediish here.
Just a quick question is there going to be lfs tweak for y, my opinion lfs tune is crap
#4 - Byku
Well... Bob said... long time ago(December) that He is/was making the tweak......... and that it is/was uber-everything... well...it might be out... someday..... There is still hope . He is working on VHPA now i suppose ... i hope that after VHPA he will share his tweaker . I miss tweaking cars(and spending hours on it ) and making them as close as possible to real cars :lovies:

Btw. I have strange feeling that he might be working on it , on some kind of anti-demo system for his tweaker right now .
Quote from Byku :Well... Bob said... long time ago(December) that He is/was making the tweak......... and that it is/was uber-everything... well...it might be out... someday..... There is still hope . He is working on VHPA now i suppose ... i hope that after VHPA he will share his tweaker . I miss tweaking cars(and spending hours on it ) and making them as close as possible to real cars :lovies:

Btw. I have strange feeling that he might be working on it , on some kind of anti-demo system for his tweaker right now .

#6 - TG44

oh you little! :gnasher: [/homer voice]
POST IT!:bananadea:bananadea
#8 - Byku
.... sarcasm... ehhh...
Indeed. I've not updated my app for any patch after X10, so he can't possibly have a version for Y, seeing as I've never given the source to anyone.
Might as well wait for Z now Although if the X10 version is complete...
BobSmith is the man. Yall just need to be patient. Besides, just do what I did, have 2 installs of LFS, one with the latest patch and one to mess around on. The only thing that sucks is everytime I switch between the 2 I have to re-activate.
Quote from Bob Smith :Indeed. I've not updated my app for any patch after X10, so he can't possibly have a version for Y, seeing as I've never given the source to anyone.

Its been like 3 months since you said a month, just release the source for christs sake, whatever you have.
muahahahah ive got a tweak for patch y that works with all cars
Quote from cardriverx :Its been like 3 months since you said a month, just release the source for christs sake, whatever you have.

I see people get as impatient with this as they do with LFS' development. In fairness, I only started realesing teasers/talking about it once it was nearly done, but I didn't expect a) development to stall waiting on one last feature and b) I finally got a job meaning I couldn't spend 12 hours a day working on it like I did for a fair portion of the late summer.

Trust me though, I didn't put all that time and effort in for nothing, I have several cars made here which I've spent a long time creating and are all substantially different to what we have in LFS atm. Release will come eventually, I just don't know when I'll get the spare time to do it.

I think this will be the last time I comment on this until it's ready.
I have it to NENENENEN!!!!!!!!!!

And that retard tommyXD
(rockclan) DELETED by Bob Smith : ok, enough bragging, we know what you're talking about and we don't want it brought up here
(zeugnimod) DELETED by Bob Smith : ok, enough bragging, we know what you're talking about and we don't want it brought up here
U Suck arox >.< Cant wait for it to be out :o
1. they lie
2. if they don't, they won't give it.
3. nothing
#20 - Byku
They propably have a tweaker from.. umm.. Robbie, it was realesed for few minutes after deleting by moderators ^^. It had no license protection and was able to tune all cars. Certainly they dont have Bobs tweaker .
Man, i really want the lfs Tweak, But il have to have patience
#22 - Byku
Yeah me too , i used to spend hours making cars :drunk:. Patience my friend, patience .
.twk files
i have some .twk files but i don't know where i need to put that files in for use .. can somewhone help me ??
#24 - Byku
Hmm... well ... which tweaker do You use? Which version? Btw. Do You have full version of LFS?
Quote from Byku :Hmm... well ... which tweaker do You use? Which version? Btw. Do You have full version of LFS?

i haven't a tweaker , i have download the files from forums . yes i have full version( s2) it's for drifting on kyoto ring i need some tweaks ...
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LFS Tweak for Y
(160 posts, closed, started )