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Hi-pitched squeling sound coming from speakers.
Hey, i have a little problem today i turned on my computer and the speakers made a horrible high pitched squeling noise and the sound is distorted.
I know that it isn't a fan ect, because when i turn down the volume or turn off my speakers it goes away, this also comes through my headphones, its driving me crazy and has me very worried, i don't want to get a new sound card if thats the problem because they cost money.
I have googled lots and have even restored my PC to a previous date.
i would be extremely happy if someone knows how to fix this, preferably for free. i can't listen to music, play games with sound ect.
i really want to fix this as soon as possible so all help is extremely appreciated.

System Specs:
Manufacturer: GBT___
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU 6600 @ 2.80GHz (2 CPUs)
Memory: 1024MB RAM
Hard Drive: 350 GB
Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce 7600 GS
Monitor: Samsung SyncMaster 940n 19" widescreen
Sound Card: Realtek HD Audio output
Speakers/Headphones: Logitech headset, 2.1 channel super power S3-001 speakers and LG stereo
Keyboard: USB Root Hub
Mouse: USB Root Hub
Operating System: Windows XP Professional (5.1, Build 2600) Service Pack 2 (2600.xpsp_sp2_gdr.070227-2254)
Kill it. Kill it with fire.

Nah seriously
1) Make sure all your sound card drivers are up-to-date
2) If that doesn't fix it, see if physically removing your soundcard does - if yes, buy a new soundcard
3) If that doesn't fix it either, the only error source left is the motherboard, which means you'd have to get a replacement for that
do you know where i can get up to date sound drivers? it only started happening today so i dont know much about this sort of stuff.
if you need any further info let me know, my next step is to reinstall windows, which means backing up all my data which is a pain. i really don't want to have to do that, and im not even sure if this will fix the problem, mums getting pissed because it means that i have to send it away to get fixed if i dont find a way to fix it myself, HELP ME PLEASE!
Thanks Michael

edit: another thing, the last thing i did was install a new BF2 patch, i donno if that would have any effect, but im unistalling BF2 now.

edit 2: Uninstalling BF2 didnt work.

Edit 3: also, if my sound card has taken a trip up shit creek, do you know what could have caused it?
try unplugging your microfone.
If that works, go to sound options, and MUTE the sound of the microfone.Sound VOLUME, not recording.
ah man that sucks, is RealTek intergrated sound? and if it is broken, how do i take it out and or disable it to replace it? and it isnt just when i play music, the sound starts happening when i log into my computer, and it stops when i turn my computer off.
Quote from Stigpt :try unplugging your microfone.
If that works, go to sound options, and MUTE the sound of the microfone.Sound VOLUME, not recording.

sorry for double post, i tried getting my mic working the other day, and fiddled around with settings, eventually i got it to play through the speakers when i talked. i hadn't turned my computer off untill today when the problem started occuring. my mic is currently unplugged, but could of that caused the problem? because when i got my mic working, its my headphone headset and when it was on the ground, when my cat walked on it or i kicked it ect it would make the sound through the speakers, but today when i turned my computer on and i picked up my headphones and mic i didnt hear a sound through the speakers.
sorry if all that was confusing.
Quote from Stigpt :try unplugging your microphone.
If that works, go to sound options, and MUTE the sound of the microphone.Sound VOLUME, not recording.

sorry for triple post, but your a legend, it worked, thanks so much!!
if anybody else has this problem that is a definite fix, i thank you so so very much sitg, and thanks heaps android as well your both pure legends!
Wow, so it still read input from the microphone jack? Wouldn't have imagined a card being so badly designed to do that without a microphone plugged in.

Anyway, good to hear it was such a "simple" problem, well compared to getting a replacement anyway
Classic case of PEBKAC.

You should really not have the micsound coming from your speakers - creates feedback. It WILL work regardless - what is important is the recording volume (which should -generally - be as high as possible). The output volume (the "main" screen of XP's sound volume settings should have the tick next to "mute". Unless you'r really in love with your own voice