Very rocky! Not quite my cup of tea. I like the second tune better - I like the way you've managed to make a useful song out of an inhuman tempo. You should show the techno knobheads how it's done.
I'm currently trying to get hold of
these bitches ("Monty" will give you a laugh, and the last tune on that list is especially tasty), who I saw in a local pub the other weekend and they don't have a live bassist. I'd love to be doing their tunes. I do have another iron in the fire but they're hard work just to get rehearsals happening...
Ah my weekend starts... in about five hours.
Train to Wakefield, bus to Horbury, drop both my basses off with the local luthier (Warwick needs fret work, Stingray needs a ground buzz sorting out), bus back to Wakefield to visit my sister in hospital (elective surgery - nothing wrong with her, just major dentistry), back to Horbury to stay at my mum's to share the load of my sister's manic 4-year-old.
Friday: Work at biz partner's house while boy is at school (he conveniently lives in Horbury too), get boy, take him back to York.
Saturday: We've got my girlfriend's 4-year-old nephew staying with us too. This has never been attempted before - a two-nephew sleepover. I am shitting bricks.
Sunday: Assuming nephew is still alive, return him to his mother after attempting to mask missing fingers/limbs/eyes with papier mache.
So by Monday I'll have my house back, and straight back to work.

Incidentally I finished work about five minutes ago (4:30am).
Being Kev might look like a bundle of laughs but SRSLY...