The online racing simulator
thanks for the comments 1 this is da gold 15 top secret i changed it round to be red and i thought it would be nice to see a red s15 wit da top secret desgin
Quote from STI 555 :thanks for the comments 1 this is da gold 15 top secret i changed it round to be red and i thought it would be nice to see a red s15 wit da top secret desgin

y0 rite EnGg1sh plZ i c4nt underst4nd sh1ts 2 wut u rite kk?? u auzi u shuld be able 2 rite prop3r engl1sh c'mon bi4tch m0ve yO 4ss n do 1t...

Quote from dizzlez :mmmmmmmmmmm, fail =]

te others skins are cool (Y) i wish charlie or -drft-mstr made some more stuff and showed us.

They did show us some stuff, but some idiot managed to steal their bodykit and make a LFS-Drift skin with it so that's probably a reason they don't show us anything anymore... hint hint.
Quote from Riders Motion :y0 rite EnGg1sh plZ i c4nt underst4nd sh1ts 2 wut u rite kk?? u auzi u shuld be able 2 rite prop3r engl1sh c'mon bi4tch m0ve yO 4ss n do 1t...

They did show us some stuff, but some idiot managed to steal their bodykit and make a LFS-Drift skin with it so that's probably a reason they don't show us anything anymore... hint hint.

soz dude but im not aussie im wog so yer
Quote from STI 555 :soz dude but im not aussie im wog so yer

sorry dude, but I'm not australian, I'm "wog", so yeah

why can't you even try to write in readable english? writing in that style is not cool
hes an embarrassment to Australia, even if he isn't Australian and hes a "wog", if your not proud of your Australian heritage, please take the Australian flag out from beside your name, your a shame on our country every time i read your post.
I'm Lebanese..

..but I'm still Australian.

STI 555

Unless you just came to Australia for a visit, have no Australian blood in you, you are Australian.
where the hell is wog anway
its not a place, its a type of person, there all a bunch of wankers really.
Quote from mickyc30 :its not a place, its a type of person, there all a bunch of wankers really.


if you dont like me and stuff then dont say anything on da net
Quote from STI 555 :OH YER GOOD 1 U DUDELET

if you dont like me and stuff then dont say anything on da net

I think I'll report you for being an alphabet cracker. Really.
Quote from Riders Motion :

They did show us some stuff, but some idiot managed to steal their bodykit and make a LFS-Drift skin with it so that's probably a reason they don't show us anything anymore... hint hint.

wow what prick did that. -sigh-
Quote from dizzlez :wow what prick did that. -sigh-

ah quit beating yourself up about it, who cares...if u feel any better, ill make something with charlie for you guys...
Quote from mickyc30 :its not a place, its a type of person, there all a bunch of wankers really.

Im a wog too. So does that make me instantly a wanker? Watch what you say mate, no need for it...

...Keyboard soilder...

Whats a wog whoever asked eariler.

Wikipeda - Wog is also a racial slur in Australian English denoting Australians of Mediterranean, Slavic peoples of Eastern Europe, Southern Europe & Middle Eastern origins.
Just finished my new Private skin with the help of Beefyman666 on a couple logos.
Attached images
nice mate, is that the new rr skin we were speaking about earlier?
Nope, it's a private skin for now.
Quote from aoun :Im a wog too. So does that make me instantly a wanker? Watch what you say mate, no need for it...

...Keyboard soilder...

Whats a wog whoever asked eariler.

Wikipeda - Wog is also a racial slur in Australian English denoting Australians of Mediterranean, Slavic peoples of Eastern Europe, Southern Europe & Middle Eastern origins.

ok but this is how i normally at the top ^^^^ not this
Quote from Riders Motion :I think I'll report you for being an alphabet cracker. Really.


Here is the Whifbitz Time Attack skin, I have been working on the past week.
Took a bit of time to complete with other things going on and such but I hope u guys like it.
I borrowed Lfsnoobs lights to finish it off , and i feel it looks abit better this way

And this is a Public skin , also ive hosted it already :P
Attached images
Quote from juejue :ah quit beating yourself up about it, who cares...if u feel any better, ill make something with charlie for you guys...

Well I wanna work on the project with you guys too!
New skin from me, made in half an hour, featuring a company I get in contact with every day at my working place
I used Robby Macs shadow kit

Skin is public, uploaded too, feel free to use it

Edit: Corrected skin
Attached images
Quote from STI 555 :OH YER WELL DONE CLAP CLAP ****


You seem to be digging yourself deeper into that hole you have created.

Now, a quick English lesson.

1. Capitals: These are nescessary at te beginning of a sentence; "no" becomes "No", etc.

2. Spelling: This is a crucial factor, as it helps the viewer get an image of what is being described. Many could mistake pillak for pillar, when you meant pillock!

3. Punctuation: We need punctuation to know when a sentence starts and stops. If I was to write;
"The cat was stuck up the tree it was there for days no-one helped it get down i cried because the cat was stuck", no-one would know if they were to stop, and no-one would know what was being said. The new, improved sentence would be
"The cat was stuck up the tree. It was there for days. No-one helped it get down. I cried because the cat was stuck" looks a lot better. Remember, it is always good to leave a space after punctuation, and always start a sentence with a capital letter!
Accukut, slight error on the lining up of the front stripes. Other than that, it's quite a nice skin.

XR Skins (All)
(7350 posts, started )